Stochastic networks and stochastic geometry
A conference dedicated to François Baccelli on his 60th birthday

Paris, IHP, Hermite Amphitheater, January 12 - 14, 2015

| Speakers | Program | Directions | Contact | Photos | Participants |

Organized by Inria/ENS

Organizing committee: Bartek Blaszczyszyn (DI ENS, Inria), Charles Bordenave (IMT Toulouse, CNRS) , Bruno Gaujal (LIG Grenoble, Inria), Marc Lelarge (DI ENS, Inria) and Jean Mairesse (LIP6, CNRS)


Time Speaker Talk
Monday, January 12
8:30 Registration
9:00 Brigitte Plateau How François met and lived Stochastic Network, Contributions from his scientific family Speech
9:45 Sergei Foss On a regenerative structure that may depend both on the past and on the future Abstract
10:30 Break
11:00 Laurent Massoulié Community detection and Ramanujan graphs: A proof of the "spectral redemption conjecture" Abstract
11:45 Philippe Bougerol RSK, product of matrices and random walks Abstract
12:30 Lunch Break
14:15 Pierre Brémaud Spectral measures of point processes Abstract
15:00 Break
15:30 Jean-Yves Le Boudec Stochastic analysis of real and virtual storage in the smart grid Abstract
16:15 Darryl Veitch Topology inference: escaping the spatial independence straightjacket Abstract
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 Frank Kelly Efficient advert assignment Abstract
9:4S Eitan Altman Branching processes with non-Markovian immigration Abstract
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10:30 Break
11:00 Kavita Ramanan Hydrodynamic limits of randomized load balancing models Abstract
11:45 David McDonald Yaglom limits can depend on the starting state Abstract
12:30 Lunch Break
14:15 Jean Walrand Scheduling tasks with precedence constraints on multiple servers Abstract
15:00 Break
15:30 Takis Konstantopoulos Finitely exchangeable probability measures and their extensions Abstract
Related article1 Related Article2
16:15 Armand Makowski A tale of degrees Abstract
Wednesday, January 14
9:00 Günter Last Invariant transports of random measures and the extra head problem Abstract
9:4S Sergei Zuyev Segment recombinations and random sharing models Abstract
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10:30 Break
11:00 Jean Bolot A walk up the stack: From networks, to users and the data they generate Abstract
11:45 William Massey The dynamics of queueing transience Abstract
12:30 Lunch Break
14:15 Venkat Anantharam The Shannon capacity of a power-harvesting transmitter over an additive noise channel Abstract
15:00 Conference closing by François Baccelli Speech