I am currently on leave (“détachement”) to the Czech Technical University in Prague but keep close ties to the
Willow team
where I remain a close external collaborator. For latest updates please visit my
in Prague.
I am senior researcher (roughly equivalent to associate professor with tenure) at
working in the
Willow project
at the
Department of Computer Science
Ecole Normale Supérieure
. I also lead the
Intelligent Machine Perception
project at the
Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
at the
Czech Technical University
in Prague. I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford working with Professor Andrew Zisserman and received my habilitation degree at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. Before coming to France I spent six months as a post-doc in the
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
(CSAIL) at
working with Prof. William Freeman. My research is in computer vision - a branch of computer science and engineering that aims to extract information from images. I am particularly interested in developing learnable image representations for automatic visual recognition and scene understanding. I lead the ERC project
Hiring Postdocs/Phds
Deep Learning, Vision and Robotics
at the
Intelligent Machine Perception
group in Prague. Email me for more details.
Antoine Miech
(co-advised with I. Laptev) has won the
Google Fellowship
. An interview with Antoine is
Two papers on visual localization have been accepted for spotlight presentation at CVPR 2018. Pre-prints are available online
Antoine Miech
(co-advised with I. Laptev) has won the
Google Cloud & YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge
. The workshop paper describing the winning entry is now
. Bravo Antoine!
Our work on weakly-supervised learning of visual relations has been accepted for oral presentation at ICCV 2017. The pre-print is
Our work on learning geometric matching has been accepted for spotlight presentation at CVPR 2017. The pre-print is
Our work on weakly supervised place recognition has been accepted for oral presentation at CVPR 2016. The pre-print is
Our work on learning from instruction videos has been accepted for oral presentation at CVPR 2016. The pre-print is
Our work on weakly supervised learning with convolutional neural networks has been accepted to CVPR 2015. The pre-print is
Our work on place recognition across large changes in illumination has been accepted to CVPR 2015. The pre-print is
Our work on aligning paintings to 3D models has been published in ACM Transactions on Graphics. The pre-print is
available online
Our work on transferring mid-level image representations using convolutional neural networks has been accepted for oral presentation at CVPR 2014. The paper is
available online
Our work on 2D-3D alignment for 3D object category recognition has been accepted for oral presentation at CVPR 2014 (The paper is available
I have been awarded an
ERC Starting Grant 2013
special issues on
Visual Media Geo-Localization
Video Recognition
that I have co-edited have been published.
ENS/INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Paris, 22-26 July 2013
INRIA Visual Rec
tion and Machine Learning Summer School, Grenoble, 9-13 July 2012
ENS/INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Paris, 25-29 July
Computer Vision and Machine Learning Winter School, ENS Lyon, 24-28 January 2011
INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Grenoble, 26-30 July 2010
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2016
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2015
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2014
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2013
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 201
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2011
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2010
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2009
Object Recognition and Computer Vision, Fall 2008
(co-lecturing with J. Ponce, C. Schmid and I. Laptev)
Students and Collaborators
Phd students:
Zongmian Li (co-advised with I. Laptev and N. Mansard)
Dmitry Zhukov (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Ignacio Rocco
(co-advised with R. Arandjelovic)
Antoine Miech
(co-advised with I. Laptev)
Julia Peyre
(co-advised with I. Laptev and C. Schmid)
Theophile Dalens (co-advised with M. Aubry)
Jean-Baptiste Alayrac
(co-advised with S. Lacoste-Julien and I. Laptev)
Dr. Maxime Oquab (Phd 2018, now researcher at
Facebook AI Research
), co-advised with I. Laptev and L. Bottou
Phd thesis: Convolutional neural networks: towards less supervision for visual recognition
Dr. Petr Gronat
(Phd 2017, now researcher at Avast Software), co-advised with T. Pajdla
Phd thesis:
Place Recognition by Per-Location Classifiers
Dr. Piotr Bojanowski
(Phd 2016, now researcher at
Facebook AI Research
), co-advised with I. Laptev, J. Ponce and C. Schmid
Phd thesis:
Learning to annotate dynamic video scenes
Dr. Guillaume Seguin
(Phd 2016, now co-founder of
), co-advised with I. Laptev
Phd thesis:
Person analysis in stereoscopic movies
Dr. Mathieu Aubry
(Phd 2015, now research faculty at
), co-advised with D. Cremers
Phd thesis:
Representing 3D models for alignment and recognition
Dr. Vincent Delaitre
(Phd 2015, now co-founder of
), co-advised with I. Laptev
Phd thesis:
Modeling and Recognizing Interactions between People, Objects and Scenes
Dr. Oliver Whyte
(Phd 2012, now at Microsoft), co-advised with A. Zisserman and J. Ponce
Phd thesis:
Removing Camera Shake Blur and Unwanted Occluders from Photographs
M.Sc. students:
Zongmian Li, 2017 (co-advised with I. Laptev and N. Mansard)
Dmitry Zhukov, 2017 (co-advised with I. Laptev and J.-P. Alayrac)
Ignacio Rocco, 2016 (co-advised with R. Arandjelovic)
Antoine Miech, 2016 (co-advised with I. Laptev and P. Bojanowski)
Julia Peyre, 2015 (co-advised with I. Laptev and C. Schmid)
Theophile Dalens, 2014 (co-advised with M. Aubry)
Maxime Oquab, 2013 (co-advised with L. Bottou and I. Laptev)
Tuang-Hung Vu, 2013 (co-advised with I. Laptev and A. Oliva)
Piotr Bojanowski, 2012 (co-advised with I. Laptev and C. Schmid)
Michael Mathieu, 2011 (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Guillaume Seguin, 2011 (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Ugo Jardonnet, 2010 (co-advised with T. Cour and I. Laptev)
Jose Lezama, 2010 (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Vincent Delaitre, 2010 (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Warith Harchaoui, 2009 (co-advised with I. Laptev)
Mathieu Prevot, 2008 (co-advised with B. Russell)
Oliver Whyte, 2008 (co-advised with A. Zisserman)
Jan Knopp, visiting student, 2008 (co-advised with T. Pajdla)
Former collaborators:
Relja Arandjelovic
(post-doctoral fellow, 2014-2016, now at
Google DeepMind
Andrei Bursuc
(post-doctoral fellow, 2015-2016, now at
Safran Tech
Visesh Chari
(post-doctoral fellow, 2012-2014, now at
Amazon Lab126
Karteek Alahari
(post-doctoral fellow, 2010-2013, now researcher at
Inria Grenoble
Nicolas Maisonneuve
(Research Engineer, 2013, founder of
Mikel Rodriguez
(post-doctoral fellow, 2010-2011
, now at
Neva Cherniavsky
(post-doctoral fellow, 2009-2010, now at
road Institute
Bryan Russell
(post-doctoral fellow, 2008-2010, no
w at
Adobe Research
Professional activities
Senior Fellow, Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (CIFAR),
Learning in Machines & Brains program
Program co-chair of
ICCV 2015
Advisory board member,
Computer Vision Foundation
Area Chair: CVPR 2011, ICCV 2011, ECCV 2012, CVPR 2013, ICCV 2013, ICCV 2017, CVPR 2018, ECCV 2018
Journal editorial board:
INRIA/ENS summer schools of Visual Recognition and Machine Learning
, 2010-2013
Workshop on Action Recognition and Pose Estimation in Still Images
Co-editor of IJCV special issues on “
Visual Media Geo-Localization
” and “
Video Representations for Visual Recognition
Selected Projects
Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations
J. Peyre., I. Laptev, C. Schmid, and J. Sivic
In ICCV 2017 |
Project page
Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations
J. Peyre., I. Laptev, C. Schmid, and J. Sivic
In ICCV 2017 |
Project page
Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching
I. Rocco, R. Arandjelovic and J. Sivic
In CVPR 2017 |
Project page
Unsupervised learning from narrated instruction videos
J.-B. Alayrac, P. Bojanowski, N. Agrawal, I. Laptev, J. Sivic and S. Lacoste-Julien
In CVPR 2016 |
Project page
NetVLAD: CNN architecture for weakly supervised place recognition
R. Arandjelovic, P. Gronat, A. Torii, T. Pajdla and J. Sivic
In CVPR 2016 |
Project page
Is object localization for free? – Weakly-supervised learning with convolutional neural networks
M. Oquab, L. Bottou, I. Laptev, J. Sivic
In CVPR 2015 |
Project page
Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Centuries of Architecture
Lee, S., Maisonneuve, N., Crandall, D., Efros, A. and Sivic, J.
In ICCP 2015 |
Project page
24/7 place recognition by view synthesis
Torii, A., Arandjelovic, R., Sivic, J., Pajdla, T. and Okutomi, M.
In CVPR 2015 |
Project page
Seeing 3D chairs: exemplar part-based 2D-3D alignment using a large dataset of CAD models
Aubry, M., Maturana, D., Efros, A., Russell, B. and Sivic, J.
In CVPR 2014 |
Project page
Learning and Transferring Mid-Level Image Representations using Convolutional Neural Networks
M. Oquab, L. Bottou, I. Laptev, J. Sivic
In CVPR 2014 |
Project page
Painting-to-3D Model Alignment Via Discriminative Visual Elements
M. Aubry, B. Russell and J. Sivic
In ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2013
Project page
Pose estimation and segmentation of people in 3D movies
Alahari, K., Seguin, G., Sivic, J. and Laptev, I.
In ICCV 2013 ||
Project page
Finding actors and actions in movies
Bojanowski, P., Laptev, I., Ponce, J., Schmid, C. and Sivic, J.
In ICCV 2013 |
Project page
Visual place recognition with repetitive structures
Torii, A., Sivic, J., Pajdla, T. and Okutomi, M.
In CVPR 2013
Project page
Learning per-location classifiers for visual place recognition
Gronat, P., Obozinski, G., Sivic, J. and Pajdla, T.
In CVPR 2013 |
Project page
Scene semantics from long-term observation of people
V. Delaitre, D. Fouhey, I. Laptev, J. Sivic, A. Gupta and A. Efros
In ECCV 2012 |
Project page
People watching: human actions as a cue for single-view geometry
D. Fouhey, V. Delaitre, A. Gupta, A. Efros, I. Laptev and J. Sivic
In ECCV 2012 |
Project page
What makes Paris look like Paris?
Carl Doersch, Saurabh Singh, Abhinav Gupta, Josef Sivic and Alexei Efros
In SIGGRAPH 2012 |
Project page
Data-driven crowd analysis in videos
Mikel Rodriguez, Josef Sivic, Ivan Laptev and Jean-Yves Audibert
In ICCV 2011 |
Project page
Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
Mikel Rodriguez, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic and Jean-Yves Audibert
In ICCV 2011 |
Project page
Learning person-object interactions for action recognition in still images
Vincent Delaitre, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev
In NIPS 2011 |
| Project page
Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depicting a 3D scene
Bryan Russell, Josef Sivic, Jean Ponce and Helene Dessales
In 3rd International IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (2011) |
Project page
Visual localization by linear combination of image descriptors
Akihiko Torii, Josef Sivic and Tomas Pajdla
In 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Vision (2011) |
Deblurring shaken and partially saturated images
Oliver Whyte, Josef Sivic and Andrew Zisserman
IEEE Workshop on Color and Photometry in Computer Vision (2011)
Project page
Track to the future: Spatio-temporal video segmentation with long-range motion cues
Jose Lezama, Karteek Alahari, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev
In CVPR 2011|
Project page
Avoiding confusing features in place recognition
Jan Knopp, Josef Sivic, and Tomas Pajdla
In ECCV 2010 |
Project page
Descriptor learning for efficient retrieval
James Philbin, Michael Isard, Josef Sivic, and Andrew Zisserman
In ECCV 2010 |
Non-uniform deblurring for shaken images
Oliver Whyte, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman and Jean Ponce
In CVPR 2010 |
Project page
Recognizing human actions in still images: a study of bag-of-features and part-based representations
Vincent Delaitre, Ivan Laptev and Josef Sivic
In BMVC 2010 |
Get out of my picture! Internet-based inpainting
Oliver Whyte, Josef Sivic and Andrew Zisserman
In BMVC 2009 |
Project page
Segmenting Scenes by Matching Image Composites
Bryan Russell, Alexei A. Efros, Josef Sivic, Bill Freeman and Andrew Zisserman
In NIPS 2009 |
Project page
Automatic annotation of human actions in video
Olivier Duchenne, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic, Francis Bach and Jean Ponce
In ICCV 2009 |
"Who are you?'': Learning person specific classifiers from video
Josef Sivic, Mark Everingham and Andrew Zisserman
In CVPR 2009 |
SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
Ce Liu, Jenny Yuen, Antonio Torralba, Josef Sivic and William T. Freeman
In ECCV 2008 |
Project page
Creating and Exploring a Large Photorealistic Virtual Space
Josef Sivic, Biliana Kaneva, Antonio Torralba, Shai Avidan and William T. Freeman
In IEEE Workshop on Internet Vision, at CVPR’08 |
| Supplementary
Unsupervised Discovery of Visual Object Class Hierarchies
Josef Sivic, Bryan Russell, Andrew Zisserman, William T. Freeman and Alexei A. Efros
In CVPR 2008 |
Geometric LDA: A Generative Model for Particular Object Discovery
James Philbin, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In BMVC 2008 |
Extended journal version
Lost in Quantization: Improving Particular Object Retrieval in Large Scale Image Databases
James Philbin, Ondrej Chum, Michael Isard, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In CVPR 2008 |
Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative Feature Model for Object Retrieval
Ondrej Chum, James Philbin, Josef Sivic, Michael Isard, Andrew Zisserman
In ICCV 2007 |
Project page and Demo
Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial matching
James Philbin, Ondrej Chum, Michael Isard, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In CVPR 2007 |
Project page and Demo
Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and their Extent in Image Collections
Bryan C. Russell, Alexei A. Efros, Josef Sivic, William T. Freeman, Andrew Zisserman
In CVPR 2006 |
Project page and source code
Hello! My name is... Buffy -- Automatic Naming of Characters in TV Video
Mark Everingham, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In BMVC 2006 |
Project page
Extended Journal Version
Winner of best industrial paper prize
Finding people in repeated shots of the same scene
Josef Sivic, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Richard Szeliski
In BMVC 2006 |
Extended Technical Report
Person spotting: video shot retrieval for face sets
Josef Sivic, Mark Everingham, Andrew Zisserman
In CIVR 2005 |
Project page and Demo
Discovering objects and their location in images
Josef Sivic, Bryan C. Russell, Alexei A. Efros, Andrew Zisserman, William T. Freeman
In ICCV 2005 |
Source Code (pLSA)
Object Level Grouping for Video Shots
Josef Sivic, Frederick Schaffalitzky, Andrew Zisserman
In ECCV 2004 |
Extended Journal Version
Video Data Mining Using Configurations of Viewpoint Invariant Regions
Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In CVPR 2004 |
Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos
Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
In ICCV 2003 |
Project page and Demo