
M. Cho, K. Alahari, J. Ponce
Learning Graphs to Match
Proceedings of the IEEE Interational Conference on Computer Vision (2013)
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Many tasks in computer vision are formulated as graph matching problems. Despite the NP-hard nature of the problem, fast and accurate approximations have led to significant progress in a wide range of applications. Learning graph models from observed data, however, still remains a challenging issue. This paper presents an effective scheme to parameterize a graph model, and learn its structural attributes for visual object matching. For this, we propose a graph representation with histogram-based attributes, and optimize them to increase the matching accuracy. Experimental evaluations on synthetic and real image datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, and show significant improvement in matching accuracy over graphs with pre-defined structures.


  author = {Minsu Cho and Karteek Alahari and Jean Ponce},
  title = {Learning Graphs to Match},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Interational Conference on Computer Vision},
  year = {2013}




The goal of this work is to learn a class-specific graph model for matching problems. Graph matching is widely used in many computer vision problems, and much progress has been achieved recently in various applications of graph matching, such as shape analysis, image matching, action recognition, and object categorization. For many tasks, however, a natural question arises: How can we obtain a good graph model for a target object to match? Recent studies have revealed that simple graphs with hand-crafted structures and similarity functions, typically used in graph matching, are insufficient to capture the inherent structure underlying the problem at hand. As a consequence, a better optimization of the graph matching objective does not guarantee better correspondence accuracy. Previous learning methods for graph matching tackle this issue by learning a set of parameters in the objective function [Caetano et al. 2009, Leordeanu et al. 2012]. Although it is useful to learn such a matching function for two graphs of a certain class, a more apt goal would be to learn a graph model to match, which provides an optimal matching to all instances of the class. Such a learned graph would better model the inherent structure in the target class, thus resulting in better performance for matching. Figure 1 illustrates the difference between the previous approaches and ours.

(a) Learning graph matching (b) Learning a class-specific graph model for matching
Figure 1. Comparison between the previous approaches and the proposed model learning.

To this end, we present a generalized formulation for graph matching, which is an extension of the previous learning approaches, and propose to learn a graph model based on a particular, yet rather general, graph representation with histogram-based attributes for nodes and edges. We show that all attributes of such a graph can be learned in a structued-output max-margin framework [Tsochantaridis at el. 2005]. The proposed method reconstructs a graph model inherent in a target class, and provides significant improvement in matching performance, as demonstrated in our experiments on synthetic and real datasets.
Figure 2. Learned graph models and their matching results.

Figure 2 above shows the learned graph models on object classes, and their matching examples. For each class, the learned graph model, its learned appearance in node attributes, and matching results are shown. In the graph model, bigger circles represent stronger nodes, and darker lines denote stronger edges. In the second and the fifth columns, to better visualize node attributes, we show the edge responses based on the learned SIFT attributes. For each model, some matching examples with high scores are shown. The results show that the learned graph model enables robust matching in spite of deformation and appearance changes.


This research was supported in part by the ERC advanced grant VideoWorld, Institut Universitaire de France, and the Quaero programme funded by the OSEO.