We regularly invite speakers to give seminars in our group. Below is a list of recently invited speakers. If you are interested in coming to visit us, feel free to reach out!
RRTs and the Path to Minimalism: What Belongs in a Robot’s Brain?
December 3, 2024 Steve LaValle
University of Oulu, Finland Imagine building a robot to accomplish one or more tasks, such as vacuuming, patrolling, or exploration. This talk considers an egocentric or situated view of theoretical robot development that takes into account its space of possible environments and specific tasks. How much does a robot need to sense and remember to successfully interact with its environment? This question is fundamental to robotics and distinguishes it from other fields such as computer science or control theory. If machine learning is the goal, then the question becomes what are the minimal, ideal structures that could possibly be learned? Thus, emphasis in this talk is placed on determining the minimal amount of information necessary to solve tasks, thereby giving the robot the smallest possible "brain". At one extreme, strong geometric information is sensed and encoded, leading to problems such as classical motion planning. On the path to minimalism, weak geometric information is considered in the form of combinatorial or relational sensing and filtering. Eventually, topological and set-based representations are considered at the minimalist extreme.
Minimal Supervision, Maximal Adaptation: Vision-Driven Learning for Scene Understanding and Action
October 23, 2024 Pia Bideau
Inria Grenoble (Thoth team), France Finding the right abstractions of a complex high dimensional sensory input allows humans to flexibly adapt their behavior to changing environments. Effects can be seen in social cognition - e.g. context dependent perception of facial expressions, as well as in physical interactions, such as object manipulation where an agent’s movement has to constantly adapt to changing environments. The ability to adapt is a core faculty of human development, however remains an open challenge for AI agents, because they must first learn how to interact and then seek for information that they lack to adapt their behavior accordingly. My work aims at discovering and making use of information that arises by coupling vision and (inter)action. This opens a rich source of information, ranging from discovering physical relations between motion and image formation to learning abstract representations learned in interaction with one's environment. I believe information lying at the edge of computer vision and robotics, will not only help to develop more robust artificial vision systems, furthermore it will allow learning with only minimal human supervision. In this talk I will lay out my research, which may be categorized along these broad themes: (1) achieving scene understanding from motion, and (2) learning abstract representations to synthesize behavior (e.g. movement trajectories) in a context-dependent manner.
Geometric Learning: Leveraging Differential Geometry for Learning and Control
October 21, 2024 Bernardo Fichera
EPFL, Swiss In this presentation, I will discuss two aspects of my Ph.D. research that apply differential geometry tools to enhance control strategies and probabilistic learning models. The first part introduces a novel method for learning non-linear dynamical systems for robotics control. Unlike traditional models where non-linearity stems from external forces, our approach derives non-linearity from the intrinsic curvature of the space itself. By learning the manifold’s (d+1)-dimensional Euclidean embedded representation, our method encodes the non-linearity within the curvature, preserving asymptotic stability to an equilibrium point regardless of spatial curvature. This geometry-based method not only improves learning efficiency and convergence speed but also sets the foundation for advanced configuration space learning and intrinsic robot dynamics. The second part focuses on extending Gaussian process regression to non-Euclidean spaces. Gaussian process regression is widely used because of its ability to provide well-calibrated uncertainty estimates and handle small or sparse datasets. However, it struggles with high-dimensional data. One possible way to scale this technique to higher dimensions is to leverage the implicit low-dimensional manifold upon which the data actually lies, as postulated by the manifold hypothesis. We propose a Gaussian process regression technique capable of inferring implicit structure directly from data (labeled and unlabeled) in a fully differentiable way. Our technique scales up to hundreds of thousands of data points, and improves the predictive performance and calibration of the standard Gaussian process regression in high dimensional settings as well as complex non-Euclidean spaces.
Towards Fast and Certifiable Nonconvex Optimal Control with Sparse Moment-SOS Relaxations
October 4, 2024 Heng Yang
Harvard, USA Direct methods for optimal control, also known as trajectory optimization, is a workhorse for optimization-based control in robotics and beyond. Nonlinear programming with engineered initializations has been the de-facto approach for trajectory optimization, which however, can suffer from undesired local optimality. In this talk, I will first show that, using the machinery of sparse moment and sums-of-squares (SOS) relaxations, many nonconvex trajectory optimization problems can be solved to certifiable global optimality. That is, globally optimal solutions of the original nonconvex problems can be computed by solving convex semidefinite programs (SDPs) together with optimality certificates. I will then present a specialized SDP solver implemented in CUDA (C++) and runs in GPUs that exploits the structures of the problems to solve the convex SDPs at a scale far beyond existing solvers. Lastly, I will discuss several ongoing efforts in our group towards deploying the certifiable optimal control algorithms in real-world robots.
Short bio: Heng Yang is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) at Harvard University. He directs the Computational Robotics Group, which focuses on the intersection of theory and practice, particularly in developing robust and efficient computational algorithms that enhance the performance of next-generation intelligent systems. Heng obtained his Ph.D. in Robotics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he collaborated with Luca Carlone in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. He is also a part-time research scientist at NVIDIA Research.
Theoretical Understanding of Self-Supervised Learning
September 17, 2024 Yisen Wang
Peking University, China Self-supervised learning (SSL) is an unsupervised approach for representation learning without relying on human-provided labels. It creates auxiliary tasks on unlabeled input data and learns representations by solving these tasks. SSL has demonstrated great success on various tasks. The existing SSL research mostly focuses on improving the empirical performance without a theoretical foundation. While the proposed SSL approaches are empirically effective on benchmarks, they are not well understood from a theoretical perspective. In this talk, I will introduce a series of our recent work on theoretical understanding of SSL, particularly on contrastive learning, masked autoencoders and autoregressive learning.
Short bio: Yisen Wang is an assistant professor at Peking University. His research interests include machine learning theory and algorithms, focusing on theoretical and algorithmic approaches for Large Language Models (Self Supervised/Weakly-Supervised Learning, In-context Learning, Length Generalization). He has published more than 50 top academic papers in the field of machine learning, including ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, etc., and many of them have been selected as Oral or Spotlight. He has won the ECML 2021 Best Paper Award.
Constrained Structured Optimization: Formulations and Algorithms
September 11, 2024 Alberto De Marchi
UniBw, Munich Mathematical and computational tools are ubiquitous nowadays, and optimization in various disciplines leads to problems in very different settings. In this talk we discuss finite-dimensional constrained structured programming in the fully nonconvex setting, capturing a variety of problems that include nonsmooth objectives, disjunctive structures, and nonlinear, set-membership constraints. The augmented Lagrangian framework is extended to cover this broad problem class, with established asymptotic properties and convergence guarantees under mild assumptions. Then, we illustrate a technique to avoid slack variables, treating them as implicit variables and taking advantage of certain oracles available. Finally, we will indicate the theoretical challenges that arise in this unexplored territory.
Short bio: Alberto De Marchi is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany, where he received his doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in 2021. In Fall 2022, he was a Visiting Research Associate at Curtin University, WA, Australia. He holds a master degree in Mechatronics Engineering (2016) and a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering (2014) from the University of Trento, Italy. His scientific activity revolves around computational optimization, and focuses on the design, convergence analysis, numerical properties, and implementation of algorithms for mathematical optimization.
Leveraging morphological symmetries for robot dynamics modeling and control
September 6, 2024 Daniel Ordoñez
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy In this presentation, we explore the implications of morphological symmetries for modeling and controlling robotic systems using analytical and data-driven methods. These symmetries refer to structural properties of a robot's morphology, which introduce relevant geometric and algebraic biases that can be leveraged in optimization and machine learning. By employing group and representation theory, we will demonstrate how these symmetries influence the system's state space, equations of motion, generalized mass matrix, and optimal control policies, as well as proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensor data measurements. Lastly, we cover theoretical and practical applications of these concepts in robotics, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning; legged locomotion and manipulation control; and Koopman operator-based dynamics modeling.
Learning through Extreme Visual Recovery
August 26, 2024 Cheng Xu
University of Sydney, Australia Generative AI has transformed the creation of high-quality text, images, and videos, delivering impressive results. However, a decade ago, inferring data from its limited observations, such as inpainting an image using only 1% of its pixels, was a challenge. This presentation begins with classical matrix decomposition-based image recovery, leading to the idea of extreme visual recovery. We highlight the connection to masked image modeling, which can be viewed as an extreme visual recovery task due to its high level of image data obscuration. We propose a generalized approach involving noise addition and denoising, supporting unsupervised visual pre-training and aligning with diffusion model principles. This presentation will also cover our recent works on diffusion models and their intriguing synergy with reinforcement learning.
Short bio: Chang Xu is an Associate Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the School of Computer Science, University of Sydney. He received the New South Wales (NSW) Government Premier's Prize for Early Career Researcher of the Year. His research interests lie in machine learning algorithms and their applications in computer vision. He has published over 100 papers in prestigious journals and top-tier conferences and has received several paper awards, including the Distinguished Paper Award at AAAI 2023 and IJCAI 2018. He has served as an area chair at NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, CVPR, and MM, as well as an Associate Editor at IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-IP, and TMLR. Additionally, he was named a Top Ten Distinguished Senior PC Member at IJCAI 2017 and an Outstanding Associate Editor at IEEE T-MM in 2022.