DYOGENE is part of the Inria Paris-Rocquencourt site of Inria. It is affiliated with the computer science department of ENS Paris and with CNRS, which makes different fundings available for positions at various levels. The main streams of funding are explained below.

Doctoral fellowships

Each member may have a specific funding for PhD students (through an ANR project or grant or a European grant for instance): please see the personal webpages for more details. Inria also regularly offers PhD fellowships, see Inria's website.

Post-doctoral fellowships and visiting grants

All year long, Inria organizes post-doctoral research visits for individuals holding PhDs. The list of available offers can be found on Inria's website.
Every year, Inria also offers positions for junior ("Starting Research Positions") and advanced ("Advanced Research Positions") researchers. The deadline to apply to these positions is usually around the beginning of March, see Inria's website for more information.

Permanent positions

Inria, ENS and CNRS regularly recruit junior and experienced researchers for permanent positions.

Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris is a network of excellence created in 2006, to which DYOGENE belongs. It offers funding for PhD and post-doctoral positions.