Jazz&Blues&Rhythm tutorial: circuit synthesis, simulation and test, in three steps. The chosen example is a sec/mn counter in a digital watch. To get started:
Download the source files for this tutorial, and move, in a command window, to the proper directory:
           cd /.../tutorial 
STEP 1: from Jazz to Net list
Compile the source file tutorial.jzz
           jazz tutorial.jzz
This generates two jazz-net-list jzn files:
           gen1net.jzn, and babylon.jzn.
The same effect is achieved, when editing tutorial.jzz, through emacs in Jazz mode:
   emacs/Jazz menu: "Toggle net-list mode" then "Compile buffer
STEP 2: from Net list to simulation file
   Put the 2 devices on a test board:  gen1net.jzn and babylon.jzn. Connect the output from device gen1net (our input generator)  as input incr to device babylon (mod 60 counter with 7 segments display). In order to simulate babylon, on inputs from gen1net ask SHELL to perform (70 steps of) simulation:
     2.1 generate inputs from gen1net:
         blues gen1net.jzn -n 70 -o gen1net.bio
         You may look (as ASCII text) at the result gen1net.bio.
     2.2 feed that input (thru the net named incr) to the babylon device:
         blues babylon.jzn -n 70 -o babylon.bio -i gen1net.bio
         You may again look at babylon.bio, but that is getting rough as variables appear in a strange order, due to Jazz lazy evaluation. 
STEP 3: from simulation file to human readable stuff

    3.1 provide a format for reading babylon.bio in file babylon.rcf:
    3.2 rhythm babylon.rcf < babylon.bio > babylon.html
    3.3 browse (see Netscape | MSFT) through  babylon.html  

Jean Vuillemin