Jérôme FERET

Research fellow at INRIA
Adjunct professor at PSL University
Head of study of the Department of Computer Science of École normale supérieure
Member of the PhD Committee (CSD) at Inria Paris
Happy Dad.

Équipe Antique
DI - École Normale Supérieure
45, rue d'Ulm
75 230 Paris Cedex 05 --- France

E-mail: jerome.feret@info.ens.psl.eu

I am interested in static analysis by the means of Abstract Interpretation:

Studying at ENS

Besides the CPGE track (for students following the Grande Ecole Preparation program), the ENS recruits the best students from French and foreign universities (with a Bachelor 2 (L2) or Bachelor 3 (L3) level).
The Computer Science Department provides merit-based scolarships.
More information on the admission to the CS department of ENS: Would you have any question, you can also contact me by email.

Research projects:

Kappa app

Due to some updated in version 5.6.0 of js_of_ocaml, the Kappa applications were no longer available.
Most of the issues has been solve.
Please download them are use them directly on the web at https://www.kappalanguage.org.

(We still have issues with some browsers, please use Google-chrome in case of problems)

PhD Habilitation

I have defended my habilitation thesis the 12th of December 2023.
More information are available at: https://www.di.ens.fr/~feret/hdr/hdr.html.en.

I also made a presentation of this work:

Forthcoming events:

Current PhD students:


Former PhD students
Former Post-Docs and Research Engineers
Former interns