Alexandre d'Aspremont - Students & Postdocs

Current Students & Postdocs

Former Students & Postdocs

  • Gautier Izacard, now at Inflection AI.

  • Konstantin Mishchenko, now at Samsung AI Cambridge.

  • Grégoire Mialon, now at Facebook AI research.

  • Radu-Alexandru Dragomir, now at EPFL.

  • Mathieu Barré, now at St Gobain.

  • Manon Romain, now at Le Monde.

  • Thomas Kerdreux, now at Los Alamos.

  • Yifan Sun, now at Stony Brook University.

  • Antoine Recanati, now at Sancare.

  • Damien Scieur, now at MILA - Samsung AI, Montréal.

  • Vincent Roulet, now at Google Brain.

  • Igor Colin, now at Huawei.

  • Fabian Pedregosa, now at Google Brain, Montréal.

  • Nicolas Flammarion, now at EPFL.

  • Federico Vaggi, now at Amazon, Seattle.

  • Nicolas Boumal, now at EPFL.

  • Matthew Seaberg, now at Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC).

  • Amit Bermanis, now at University of Toronto.

  • Quentin Berthet, now at Google Brain, Paris.

  • Martin Jaggi, now at EPFL.

  • Rodolphe Jenatton, now at Google Brain, Berlin.

  • Ronny Luss, now at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.

  • Vijay Krishnamurthy, LL Funds, L.L.C.

  • Marco Cuturi, now at ENSAE and Apple AI, Paris.

  • Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu, now at SUTD in Singapore.