
V. Delaitre, I. Laptev and J. Sivic
Recognizing human actions in still images: a study of bag-of-features and part-based representations
Proceedings of the 21st British Machine Vision Conference, Aberystwyth, September 2010, poster
PDF | Abstract | BibTeX | Poster


Recognition of human actions is usually addressed in the scope of video interpretation. Meanwhile, common human actions such as “reading a book”, “playing a guitar” or “writing notes” also provide a natural description for many still images. In addition, some actions in video such as “taking a photograph” are static by their nature and may require recognition methods based on static cues only. Motivated by the potential impact of recognizing actions in still images and the little attention this problem has received in computer vision so far, we address recognition of human actions in consumer photographs. We construct a new dataset with seven classes of actions in 968 Flickr images representing natural variations of human actions in terms of camera view-point, human pose, clothing, occlusions and scene background. We study action recognition in still images using the state-of-the-art bag-of-features methods as well as their combination with the part-based Latent SVM approach of Felzenszwalb et al. In particular, we investigate the role of background scene context and demonstrate that improved action recognition performance can be achieved by (i) combining the statistical and part-based representations, and (ii) integrating person-centric description with the background scene context. We show results on our newly collected dataset of seven common actions as well as demonstrate improved performance over existing methods on the datasets of Gupta et al. and Yao and Fei-Fei.


   author = "Delaitre, V. and Laptev, I. and Sivic, J.",
   title = "Recognizing human actions in still images: a study of bag-of-features and part-based representations",
   booktitle = bmvc,
   note = "updated version, available at", 
   year = "2010",




The goal of this work is to study recognition of common human actions represented in typical still images such as consumer photographs. We construct a new dataset with seven classes of actions in 968 images obtained from Flickr and investigate the performance of statistical bag-of-features and spatial pyramid representations combined with SVM classification as well as the structural part-based LSVM model of Felzenszwalb et al. The images below show an example of our newly collected dataset:

  • Willow-Actions

    Example images of the Willow-Actions dataset: on each line from top to bottom:Interacting with computer, Photographing, Playing Instrument, Riding Bike, Riding Horse, Running, Walking


We are grateful for financial support from the MSR-INRIA laboratory and the Quaero Programme, funded by OSEO. We also acknowledge the support of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under reference ANR-09-JCJC-0027-01.