We address the problem of segmenting multiple object instances in complex videos. Our method does not require manual pixel-level annotation for training, and relies instead on readily-available object detectors or visual object tracking only. Given object bounding boxes at input, we cast video segmentation as a weakly-supervised learning problem. Our proposed objective combines (a) a discriminative clustering term for background segmentation, (b) a spectral clustering one for grouping pixels of same object instances, and (c) linear constraints enabling instance-level segmentation. We propose a convex relaxation of this problem and solve it efficiently using the Frank-Wolfe algorithm. We report results and compare our method to several baselines on a new video dataset for multi-instance person segmentation.
@InProceedings{Seguin16, author = "Seguin, Guillaume and Bojanowski, Piotr and Lajugie, Rémi and Laptev, Ivan", title = "Instance-level video segmentation from object tracks", booktitle= "Proc. CVPR", year = "2016" }
The Inria 3DMovie Dataset v2 contains all the stereo pairs and their annotations used in our CVPR 2016 paper.
This work is partly funded by the MSR-INRIA laboratory and ERC grants Activia and VideoWorld.
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