
(* FILE: SAMPLED_STREAMS/examples.v _ Sylvain Boulmé _ LIP6 _ Spring 2001 *)
(* Coq V6.3.1 *)

Implicit Arguments On.

Require lucid_ops.
Require sp_rec.

Require Arith.
Require Refine.

(* rec0 basis for "Auto" *)
Hints Resolve rec0_wf: sp_rec0.
Hint rec0_inv_r: sp_rec0 := Extern 4 (sp_eq ? ?) Refine (rec0_inv ? ?).
Hints Resolve sp_inf_refl: sp_rec0.
Hints Resolve glob_nfstwf_S_n_n: sp_rec0'.

Definition Nat := [c]
rec0 [N](`(0)` fby (ext `S` N))).

Check Nat.

Lemma Nat_inv: (c:clock)(sp_eq (Nat c) (`O` fby (ext `S` (Nat c)))).
  Auto with sp_rec0.
Definition Nat_on := [c; lc]
rec0 [N](merge lc (`(0)` fby ((ext `S` N) when lc)) `(0)`)).

Check Nat_on.

Lemma Nat_on_inv: (c:clock; lc: (samplStr bool c))
 (sp_wf lc)
   ->(sp_eq (
Nat_on lc) (merge lc (`(0)` fby ((ext `S` (Nat_on lc)) when lc)) `(0)`)).
  Auto 10 with sp_rec0.
Definition Nat_mod := [c; lc]
rec0 [N](merge lc ((`(0)` fby (ext `S` N)) when lc) `(0)`)).

Check Nat_mod.

Lemma Nat_mod_inv: (c:clock; lc: (samplStr bool c))
 (sp_wf lc)
   ->(sp_eq (
Nat_mod lc) (merge lc ((`(0)` fby (ext `S` (Nat_mod lc))) when lc) `(0)`)).
  Auto 10 with sp_rec0.

Definition Fib := [c]
rec0 [fib]
             (`(1)` fby (ext (ext `plus` fib) (`(0)` fby fib)))).

Lemma Fib_inv:
   (sp_eq (
Fib c)
           (`(1)` fby (ext (ext `plus` (Fib c))
                              (`(0)` fby (Fib c))))).
  Intros; Refine (rec0_inv ? ?); Auto 10 with sp_rec0.
  Intros; Apply sp_fby_glob_nfstwf; Auto with sp_rec0.
  Apply sp_extend_glob_nfstwf; Auto with sp_rec0.
  Apply glob_nfstwf_S_n_n; Auto with sp_rec0.

Definition half := [c]
rec0 [half] `true` fby (sp_not half)).

Check half.

Definition hold :=
  [A; c; ydef:(samplStr A c); lc; x]
rec0 [y](merge lc x ((ydef fby y) when (sp_not lc)))).

Check hold.

Definition over := [c;x](hold `(1)` 4!(half c) x).
Check over.

(* Example wrong_clocked *)

(* rejected by typecheck => it is expected !

Check ([c:clock;x:(samplStr nat c)]
           (ext (ext `plus` x) (x when (half ?)))).


Require EqNat.

(* clock example *)

Section Counter.

Variable c: clock.

Variable n: (samplStr nat c).

Hypothesis n_wf:(sp_wf n).

Definition acc_aux:=[count]
rec0 [acc] `(1)` fby (sp_if count `(1)` (ext `S` acc))).

Lemma acc_lfp:
 (m:nat; count1,count2:(samplStr bool c))
  (sp_inf m count1 count2)
    -> (sp_inf m (
acc_aux count1) (acc_aux count2)).
  Intros; Unfold acc_aux; Apply rec0_lfp.
  Auto with sp_rec0.

Hints Resolve glob_nfstwf_n_le: sp_rec0.

Lemma acc_glob_nfstwf:
 (m:nat; count:(samplStr bool c))
  (glob_nfstwf m count)
    -> (glob_nfstwf (S m) (
acc_aux count)).
  Intros; Unfold acc_aux; Apply rec0_glob_nfstwf.
  Intros; Apply sp_fby_glob_nfstwf.
   Auto with sp_rec0.
   Apply sp_if_glob_nfstwf; EAuto with arith sp_rec0.
   Auto with sp_rec0.
   Auto with sp_rec0.

Hints Resolve acc_lfp acc_glob_nfstwf: sp_rec0.

Definition counter:=
rec0 [count](ext (ext `beq_nat` n) (acc_aux count))).

Lemma counter_wf: (sp_wf counter).
 Unfold counter; Auto 10 with sp_rec0.
Hints Resolve counter_wf : sp_rec0.

Lemma counter_inv:
counter (ext (ext `beq_nat` n) (acc_aux counter))).
  Auto 10 with sp_rec0.

Lemma acc_aux_count_inv:
 (sp_eq (
acc_aux counter)
        `(1)` fby (sp_if counter `(1)` (ext `S` (acc_aux counter)))).
  Auto 10 with sp_rec0.

End Counter.

Check counter.

Definition filter1 := [A;c;n;top:(samplStr A c)](top when (counter n)).

Check filter1.

Definition minute := [A;c; sec:(samplStr A c)](filter1 `(60)` sec).

Check minute.

Definition hour := [A;c; sec:(samplStr A c)](filter1 `(60)` (minute sec)).

Check hour.

Section MachineACafe.

Definition sumbool2bool :=
  [A,B:Prop;x:{A}+{B}]Cases x of (left _) => true | (right _) => false end.

Require Compare_dec.

nat_le :=[n,m](sumbool2bool (le_lt_dec n m)).

Variable c: clock.

Variable piece_ins:(samplStr nat c).

Variable appui_bouton: (samplStr bool c).

Hypothesis piece_ins_wf: (sp_wf piece_ins).

Hypothesis appui_bouton_wf: (sp_wf appui_bouton).

Definition servir_cafe_aux :=
ext (ext `andb` appui_bouton)
                (ext (ext `nat_le` `(2)`) pnbp)).

Definition nombre_pieces :=
ext (ext `minus` (ext (ext `plus` piece_ins) pnbp))
                                (sp_if (servir_cafe_aux pnbp) `(2)` `(0)`)).

Definition prec_nombre_pieces := (rec0 [np](`(0)` fby (nombre_pieces np))).

Lemma pnp_inv:(sp_eq prec_nombre_pieces
                     (`(0)` fby (nombre_pieces prec_nombre_pieces))).
  Refine (rec0_inv ? ?); Unfold nombre_pieces; Unfold servir_cafe_aux;
  Auto 10 with sp_rec0.

Definition servir_cafe:=(servir_cafe_aux prec_nombre_pieces).

End MachineACafe.

Definition first := [A; c; x:(samplStr A c)]
rec0 [fst](x fby fst)).

Lemma first_wf:(A:Set; c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))
 (sp_wf x)->(sp_wf (
first x)).
  Unfold first; Auto with sp_rec0.

Hints Resolve first_wf: sp_rec0.

(**************** rec1  examples ************************)

Definition counter1_aux :=
rec1 3![_]c
        [count: (samplStr ? c)->(samplStr ? c); acc]
          (sp_if (ext (ext `beq_nat` acc) n)
                 (`true` fby (count `(1)`))
                 (`false` fby (count (ext `S` acc))))).

Lemma counter1_aux_inv:
 (c:clock; n,acc:(samplStr nat c))
  (sp_wf n)->(sp_wf acc)->
  (sp_eq (
counter1_aux n acc)
          (sp_if (ext (ext `beq_nat` acc) n)
                 (`true` fby (counter1_aux n `(1)`))
                 (`false` fby (counter1_aux n (ext `S` acc))))).
  Intros c n acc H1 H2;
  Refine (rec1_inv
     3![_:(samplStr nat c)]c
     5![x:(samplStr nat c)](sp_wf x)
     ? ? ?);
  Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.

Definition counter1 :(c:clock)(samplStr nat c)->(samplStr bool c)
 := [c; n](
counter1_aux n `(1)`).
Check counter1.

Syntactic Definition Dpair := [P](existS ? P ?).

Section Generic_sieve.

Variable A: Set.

Variable filter:(c:clock)(samplStr A c)->(samplStr bool c).

Hypothesis filter_wf:
 (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))(sp_wf x)->(sp_wf (filter x)).

Hypothesis filter_is_fst_true:
 (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))(
is_fst_value true (filter x)).

Definition sieve' := [c; x:(samplStr ? c)]
rec1 3!ProjS1
        [sieve;p:{c:clock & (samplStr A c)}]
        let x = (ProjS2 p)
         (merge (filter x)
                (`true` fby `false`)
                (sieve (Dpair [c](samplStr A c) (x when (sp_not (filter x))))))
        (Dpair [c](samplStr A c) x)).

Lemma sieve'_inv: (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))
   (sp_wf x)->
      (sp_eq (
sieve' x)
              (merge (filter x) (`true` fby `false`)
                                (sieve' (x when (sp_not (filter x)))))).
  Unfold sieve'; Intros c x H1;
   Refine (rec1_inv
     5![p:{ c:clock & (samplStr A c) }](sp_wf (ProjS2 p))
     ? ? ?); Try (Simpl; Auto; Fail); Clear H1 x c.
   Intros s1 s2 n H1 p; Case p; Simpl; Intros c x H2.
    Apply sp_merge_lfp; Auto with sampled_str.
    Apply H1 with x:=(Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c) (x when (sp_not (filter x))));
    Simpl; Unfold sp_not; Auto with sampled_str.
   Intros n s H1 p; Case p; Simpl; Intros c x H2;
   Apply sp_merge_true_loc_nfstwf; Auto with sampled_str.
    Apply H1 with x:=(Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c) (x when (sp_not (filter x))));
    Simpl; Unfold sp_not; Auto with sampled_str.

Definition sieve: (c:clock)(samplStr A c)->(samplStr bool c)

Lemma sieve_inv: (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))
   (sp_wf x)->
      (sp_eq (
sieve x)
              (merge (filter x) (`true` fby `false`)
                                (sieve (x when (sp_not (filter x)))))).
Proof sieve'_inv.

End Generic_sieve.

Section My_Reset.

(* redefinition de arrow *)
Definition arrow := [A;c; x,y:(samplStr A c)](sp_if (`true` fby `false`) x y).

(* un autre repeat_until *)
Definition o_repeat_until := [c;lc]
rec0 [rpu](arrow `true` (ext (ext `andb` (sp_not lc))
                              (`true` fby rpu)))).

(* le vrai !! *)
Definition repeat_until := [c;lc]
rec0 [rpu]`true` --> (ext (ext `andb` (sp_not lc)) (pre rpu))).

Lemma repeat_until_wf:
  (c:clock; lc:(samplStr bool c))
   (sp_wf lc)
     ->(sp_wf (
repeat_until lc)).
  Unfold repeat_until; Intros c lc H; Apply rec0_wf.
  Intros; Unfold sp_not; Apply sp_arrow_extend2_pre_glob_nfstwf; Auto with sp_rec0.

Lemma repeat_until_inv:
  (c:clock; lc:(samplStr bool c))
   (sp_wf lc)
     ->(sp_eq (
repeat_until lc)
          (`true` --> (ext (ext `andb` (sp_not lc))
                              (pre (repeat_until lc))))).
  Unfold repeat_until; Intros c lc H; Refine (rec0_inv ? ?); Intros;
  Unfold sp_not.
  Apply sp_arrow_extend2_pre_lfp; Auto with sp_rec0.
  Apply sp_arrow_extend2_pre_glob_nfstwf; Auto with sp_rec0.

Hints Resolve repeat_until_wf repeat_until_inv: sp_rec0.

Lemma repeat_is_fst_value_true:
  (c:clock; lc:(samplStr bool c))
   (sp_wf lc)
is_fst_value true (repeat_until lc)).
  Intros c lc H; Apply is_fst_value_sp_eq with
    s1:=(`true` --> (ext (ext `andb` (sp_not lc))
                            (pre (repeat_until lc))));
  Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.

Variable A,B: Set.

Variable f: (c:clock)(samplStr A c)->(samplStr B c).

Hypothesis f_wf: (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c))(sp_wf x)->(sp_wf (f x)).

Definition reset':
 (c:clock)(samplStr A c)-> (samplStr bool c) -> (samplStr B c)
 := [c; x;lc]
rec1 3!ProjS1
       [reset; p:{ c:clock & ((samplStr A c) * (samplStr bool c)) }]
       let (x,lc)=(ProjS2 p)
         let c0 = (repeat_until lc)
           (merge c0 (f (x when c0))
                     (reset (Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c)
                                  ((x when (sp_not c0)),(lc when (sp_not c0))))))
    (Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c) (x,lc))).

Definition reset := [c; x: (samplStr ? c);lc]
rec1 3!ProjS1
       [reset; p:{ c:clock & ((samplStr A c) * (samplStr bool c)) }]
       let (x,lc)=(ProjS2 p)
         let c0 = (repeat_until lc)
           (merge c0 (f (x when c0))
                     (reset (Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c)
                                ((x when (sp_not c0)),(lc when (sp_not c0))))))
    (Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c) (x,lc))).

Lemma reset_inv: (c:clock; x:(samplStr A c); lc:(samplStr bool c))
  let c0 = (
repeat_until lc)
   (sp_wf x)->
     (sp_wf lc)->
       (sp_eq (reset x lc)
              (merge c0 (f (x when c0))
                        (reset (x when (sp_not c0)) (lc when (sp_not c0))))).
  Unfold reset; Intros c x lc H1 H2;
   Refine (rec1_inv
     5!([p:{ c:clock & ((samplStr A c) * (samplStr bool c)) }]
         let (x,lc)=(ProjS2 p)
         in (sp_wf x)/\(sp_wf lc))
     ? ? ?); Try (Simpl; Auto; Fail); Clear H2 H1 lc x c.
   Intros s1 s2 n H1 p; Case p; Simpl; Intros c p'; Case p'; Simpl; Clear p p';
    Intros x lc H2; Case H2; Intros;
    Apply sp_merge_lfp; Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.
    Apply H1 with x:=(Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c)
                                 let c0 = (repeat_until lc)
                                 in ((x when (sp_not c0)), (lc when (sp_not c0))));
    Simpl; Unfold sp_not; Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.
   Intros n s H1 p; Case p; Intros c p'; Case p'; Simpl; Clear p p';
    Intros x lc H2; Case H2; Intros.
    Apply sp_merge_true_loc_nfstwf; Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.
     Apply repeat_is_fst_value_true; Auto.
     Apply H1 with x:=(Dpair [c:clock](samplStr A c)*(samplStr bool c)
                                 let c0 = (repeat_until lc)
                                 in ((x when (sp_not c0)), (lc when (sp_not c0))));
    Simpl; Unfold sp_not; Auto with sampled_str sp_rec0.

End My_Reset.

Check reset'.

Definition expb := [c]
rec0 [expb](`true` fby (merge expb (`false` fby `true`)
                                         (`true` fby `false`)))).

Lemma expb_inv: (c:clock)(sp_eq (expb c) (`true` fby (merge (expb c) 
                                                     (`false` fby `true`) 
                                                     (`true` fby `false`)))).
  Intros; Refine (rec0_inv ? ?).
  2:(Intros; Apply sp_fby_glob_nfstwf; Auto with sp_rec0; Apply sp_merge_glob_nfstwf; 
      Auto with sp_rec0; Apply glob_nfstwf_S_n_n; Auto with sp_rec0).
  Intros; Apply sp_fby_lfp; Auto with sp_rec0.
  Intros; Apply sp_merge_lfp; Auto with sp_rec0.
  Intros; Apply sp_fby_lfp; Auto with sp_rec0.

Definition essaif := [c; x:(samplStr ? c)](ext (ext `plus` x) (Nat ?)).
Definition essaic := (const true).

Definition essaielt := (sp_cons 2!essaic (Any O) `(1)`).

Definition essailc :=   
 (rec0  [x:(samplStr ? essaic)](`true` fby `false` fby x)).

Definition essai:=(sp_reset essaif essaielt (sp_const false essaic)).

Eval Compute in (sp_nth (0) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (1) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (2) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (3) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (4) essai).

Reset essai.

Definition essai:=(sp_reset essaif essaielt (sp_const true essaic)).

Eval Compute in (sp_nth (0) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (1) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (2) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (3) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (4) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (5) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (6) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (7) essai).

Reset essai.

Definition essai:=(sp_reset essaif essaielt essailc).

Eval Compute in (sp_nth (0) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (1) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (2) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (3) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (4) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (5) essai).


Definition essaif := [c; x:(samplStr ? c)](ext (ext `plus` x) (Nat ?)).
Definition essaic := (const true).

Definition essaielt := (sp_const O essaic).

Definition essailc := (sp_const false essaic).

Definition essai:=(my_reset (Build_my_reset_arg essaif essaielt essailc)).

Eval Compute in (sp_nth (0) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (1) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (2) essai).
Eval Compute in (sp_nth (3) essai).


05/07/101, 15:41