Stochastic networks and stochastic geometry
A conference dedicated to François Baccelli on his 60th birthday

Paris, IHP, Hermite Amphitheater, January 12 - 14, 2015

| Speakers | Program | Directions | Contact | Photos | Participants |

Organized by Inria/ENS

Organizing committee: Bartek Blaszczyszyn (DI ENS, Inria), Charles Bordenave (IMT Toulouse, CNRS) , Bruno Gaujal (LIG Grenoble, Inria), Marc Lelarge (DI ENS, Inria) and Jean Mairesse (LIP6, CNRS)


This three day event brought together about twenty invited talks given by leading researchers working on modeling and performance evaluation of computer/communication systems. Mathematical foundations of their work involve, but are not limited to, wireless stochastic geometry, information theory, discrete event dynamical systems, max-plus algebra, stationary-ergodic framework for stochastic networks. It was a wonderful occasion to celebrate the 60th birthday of François Baccelli, who has inspired the development of this field for almost 40 years. The organizers are grateful to all speakers and participants.

The slides of the presentations are available in the conference program.
Conference photos are now available in the photos' tab.

Invited Speakers:

Eitan Altman (Inria)
Venkat Anantharam (UC Berkeley)
Jean Bolot (Technicolor California)
Pierre Brémaud (EPFL and Inria)
Serguei Foss (Heriot-Watt University)
Frank Kelly (Cambridge University)
Takis Konstantopoulos (Uppsala University)
Günter Last (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
David McDonald (University of Ottawa)
Armand Makowski (University of Maryland)

William Massey (Princeton University)
Laurent Massoulié (Microsoft Research/Inria)
Brigitte Plateau (Grenoble INP)
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
Sergey Zuyev (Chalmers University)
Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL)
Philippe Bougerol (Université Paris 6)
Darryl Veitch (University of Melbourne)
Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley)