The Second International Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology (SASB 2011)

SAS workshop, 13 September 2011, Venice, Italie.


Preliminary Program

8h30-9h00: Welcome

9h00-10h00: Invited Talk

  • Boris Kholodenko. Systems Biology, Ireland.

    Signalling ballet in four dimensions.

Coffee Break

10h30-11h30: Session 1

  • Tatjana Petrov, Heinz Koeppl, and Amab Ganguly. Molecular Signaling - Model Decomposition and Stochastic Fragments.
  • Christopher Thompson-Walsh, Jonathan Hayman, and Glynn Winskel. Containment in Rule-Based Models.

11h30-12h30: Invited Talk

  • Jean Krivine. Université Paris VII & CNRS, France.

    Formal Cellular Machinery.

    (joint work with Troels C. Damgaard and Espen Høsgaard, ITU Copenhagen)

Lunch Break

14h00-15h00: Session 2

  • Federico Buti, Massimo Callisto De Donato, Flavio Corradini, Maria Rita Di Berardini, Emanuela Merelli, and Luca Tesei. Towards Abstraction-Based Verification of Shape Calculus.
  • Chiara Bodei, Linda Brodo, and Davide Chiarugi. Control Flow Analysis of Generalised Boolean Networks.
Coffee Break

15h30-17h00: Session 3

  • Loïc Paulevé and Richard Adrien. Static Analysis of Boolean Networks Based on Interaction Graphs.
  • Vincent Noel, Ovidiu Radulescu, and Sergey Vakulenko. Tropical geometries and dynamics of biochemical networks. Application to hybrid cell cycle models.
  • Elena Czeizler, Eugen Czeizler, Bogdan Iancu, and Ion Petre. Quantitative model refinement as a solution to the combinatorial size explosion of biomodels.

17h00-18h00: Invited Talk

  • Edda Klipp. Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.

    Zooming in on and out the eukaryotic cell cycle.


18h00: Concluding Remarks