MERCREDI 1er OCTOBRE, AMPHI RATAUD, 16H David Jacobs ( University of Maryland Title: Matching Images with Deformations Abstract: When we match images that come from the same object, we must often allow for 2D, non-linear deformations. These can model changes in shape that can occur when an object deforms or an articulated object moves its parts, differences in shape between different instances of the same type of object, or variations in apparent shape due to changes in viewpoint. This talk will provide an overview of several approaches to matching that stress finding problem formulations that yield computationally efficient algorithms. First, we present an approximation algorithm for computing the Earth Mover’s Distance, a metric for comparing probability distributions that can be used to match image descriptors, accounting for deformations. Using a wavelet-based representation, we construct an accurate, linear time algorithm. Next, we describe a novel image descriptor that is invariant to deformations, and a shape descriptor that is invariant to articulations. We describe the use of this shape matching algorithm in a hand-held device for computer assisted plant species identification. Finally, we show that the cost returned by a stereo matching algorithm can be used for object recognition, without using 3D models or performing reconstruction. We use this to construct a face recognition algorithm that compares 2D gallery and probe images taken from different viewpoints. This algorithm outperforms all prior work on the CMU PIE data set for face recognition with pose variation.