LUNDI 12 NOVEMBRE, 14H, SALLE S16 (SALLE A CONFIRMER) On the reconstruction of 3D shape from images Carlos Hernández Esteban Toshiba Research Europe Laboratory Abstract: Acquiring 3D shape from images is a classic problem in Computer Vision occupying researchers for at least 20 years. Only recently however have these ideas matured enough to provide highly accurate results. In this talk we present three different algorithms for 3D object modelling that are able to cope with objects of increasing complexity: from the "simple" rigid objects, to the more challenging untextured rigid objects and untextured deformable objects. For textured rigid objects, we propose a 3D modelling algorithm that is able to efficiently fuse silhouettes and multi-view stereo for high quality 3D object reconstruction. The algorithm is one of the top performers in the recent evaluation of multi-view stereo algorithms by Seitz et al. If the object is not textured, we propose a novel multi-view photometric stereo approach where the use of an uncalibrated distant light source allows us to perform photometric stereo "in the round" obtain a high resolution closed reconstruction. To our knowledge, this is the first algorithm to reconstruct closed surfaces using photometric stereo. Finally, in order to deal with untextured deformable surfaces, we propose a third algorithm using a setup with three coloured lights. The algorithm can perform real-time reconstruction of deforming untextured surfaces with constant chromaticity.