Journal publications

MV72a Z. Manna and J. Vuillemin. Fixed point approach to the theory of computation, CACM, Numéro Spécial du 25ème Anniversaire de l'ACM, 15:7:528-536, 1972.
MNV73 Z. Manna, S. Ness and J. Vuillemin. Inductive methods for proving properties of programs, CACM, 16:8:491-502, 1973. Ce papier a reçu l'ACM 1974 award for the best programming systems and languages paper.
SV73 M. Schlumberger and J. Vuillemin. Optimal disk merge patterns, Acta Informatica, 3:25-35, 1973.
Vui74 J. Vuillemin. Correct and optimal implementations of recursion in a simple programming language, JCSS, 9:3:332-353, 1974.
HPV74a L. Hyafil, F. Prusker and J. Vuillemin. Design of optimal merge on direct access devices, Proceedings IFIP Congress, Files and Data Management, 979-982, 1974.
CV76 B. Courcelle and J. Vuillemin. Completeness results for the equivalence of recursive schemas, JCSS, 12:2:179-197, 1976.
RV76a R.L. Rivest and J. Vuillemin. Graph algorithms and the adjacency matrix representation, TCS, 3:371-384, 1976.
RV76b R.L. Rivest and J. Vuillemin. On the time required to recognize properties of graphs from their adjacency matrices, Astérisque, Journées Algorithmiques, SMF, 38/39:213-228, 1976.
Vui77 J. Vuillemin. Comment vérifier l'associativité d'une table de groupe, TCS, 77-82, 1977.
Vui78 J. Vuillemin. A data structure for manipulating priority queues, CACM, 21:4:309-315, Avril 1978.
FRV79 P. Flajolet, J.C. Raoult and J. Vuillemin. On the average number of registers required for evaluating arithmetic expressions, TCS, 9:99-125, 1979.
RV80a J.C. Raoult and J. Vuillemin. Operational and semantic equivalence of recursive programs, JACM, 27:4:772-796, 1980.
Vui80a J. Vuillemin. A unifying look at data structures, CACM, 23:4:229-239, May 1980.
FFV80 P. Flajolet, J. Francon and J. Vuillemin. Sequence of operations analysis for dynamic data structures, The Journal of Algorithms, 1:2:111-141, March 1980.
PV80a F.P. Preparata and J. Vuillemin. Area-time optimal VLSI networks for multiplying matrices, IPL, 11:2:77-80, 1980.
PV81a F.P. Preparata and J. Vuillemin. The cube connected cycles: a versatile network for parallel computation, CACM, 24:5:300-309, 1981.
Vui82 J. Vuillemin. La révolution informatique dans la conception et la fabrication des circuits électroniques, La Jaune et la Rouge, Décembre 1982.
Vui83b J. Vuillemin. A combinatorial limit to the computing power of VLSI circuits, IEEE Transactions on Computers, April 1983.
BPV83 G. Baudet, F.P. Preparata and J. Vuillemin. Area-time optimal VLSI circuits for convolution, IEEE Transactions on Computers, May 1983.
Vui83a J. Vuillemin. A very fast multiplication algorithm for VLSI implementation, Integration, The VLSI Journal, 1:1, Mars 1983. Reprinted in Computer Arithmetic II, E. Swartzlander (ed.), 1985.
Vui84b J. Vuillemin. Nouvelles structures d'ordinateurs, Communication à l'Académie des Sciences, La Vie des Sciences, 1:4, 1984.
LV84 W.K. Luk and J. Vuillemin. Recursive implementation of optimal-time VLSI integer multipliers, Advances in Computing research, JAI Press Inc., 2:67-94, 1984.
FPV86 P. Flajolet, C. Puech and J. Vuillemin. The analysis of simple list structures, Information Science, 38:121-146, 1986.
PV90 F.P. Preparata and J. Vuillemin. Practical Cellular Dividers, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 39:5:605-614, 1990.
Vui90b J. Vuillemin. Exact real arithmetic with continued fractions, IEEE Trans. on Computers, Special Issue on Computer Arithmetics, 39:8:1087-1105, 1990.
SBV91 M. Shand, P. Bertin and J. Vuillemin. Hardware speedups in long integer multiplication, Computer Architecture News, edited by L.Snyder and F.P. Preparata, 19:1:106-114, 1991.
Vui93b J. Vuillemin. Contribution à la résolution numérique des équations de Laplace et de la chaleur, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, AFCET, Gauthier-Villars, RAIRO, 27:5:591-611, 1993.
Vui94 J. Vuillemin. On circuits and numbers, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 43:8:868-79, 1994.
B+95 D. Belosloudtsev, P. Bertin, R.K. Bock, P. Boucard, V. Doersing, P. Kammel, S. Khabarov, F. Klefenz, W. Krischer, A. Kugel, L. Lundheim, R. Maenner, L. Moll, K.H. Noffz, A. Reinsch, D. Roncin, M. Shand, J. Vuillemin, R. Zoz, A commercial image processing system considered for triggering in future LHC experiments, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. A356, pp. 304-308, 1995.
MVBL96 L. Moll, J. Vuillemin, P. Boucard and L. Lundheim, Real-time High-Energy Physics Applications on DECPeRLe-1 Programmable Active Memory, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol 12, pp. 21-33, 1996.
VB+96 J. Vuillemin, P. Bertin , D. Roncin, M. Shand, H. Touati, P. Boucard Programmable Active Memories: the Coming of Age, IEEE Trans. on VLSI,Vol. 4, NO. 1, 56-69, March 1996.

Jean Vuillemin
Mon May 26 22:01:18 MET DST 1997