Hugo Paquet

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Chargé de recherche

I am a researcher at INRIA, member of the ANTIQUE team at École Normale Supérieure in Paris. I am interested in topics related to programming language theory. My research is about:

Before starting my current position in October 2024, I was a postdoc at LIPN, funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award under the Paris Region Fellowship Programme. Before that, I was a postdoc in Oxford with Sam Staton (2020-2022) and Luke Ong (2019-2020). Before that (2015-2019) I was a PhD student with Glynn Winskel in Cambridge.

Publications and preprints


My thesis is about a theory of games for semantics known as concurrent games, based on event structures. The main contribution is a cartesian closed bicategory of probabilistic strategies, which gives a semantics for languages with continuous distributions. The manuscript is available here.
