Validation of critical software by static analysis and abstract testing

DAEDALUS is the shared-cost research and technology development (RTD) project IST-1999-20527 of the european IST Programme of the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) on the « validation of software components embedded in future generation critical concurrent systems by exhaustive semantic-based static analysis and abstract testing methods based on abstract interpretation ». DAEDALUS lasted from October 1st, 2000 to September 30th, 2002.

Public final report of DAEDALUS (Executive summary, PDF)
Public documents produced by the DAEDALUS project
Programme of the free seminar for potential industrial users, Sarrebrücken, Germany, Friday September 27, 2002.

European project     EU flag
Contract number: IST-1999-20527     IST logo

Project acronym: DAEDALUS

Project name: Validation of critical software by static analysis and abstract testing

Key Action, Action line: Key Action 1, 1.1.2.-4.2.1/4.3.1

Project logo:    Daedalus logo

List of participants (organisation name, country):

Total cost: 3 461 070 Euro

Commission funding: 2 003 495 Euro

Project main goal(s): Since present software validation techniques of concurrent, component-based, real-time software do not scale up, the consortium was built from the desire of the EADS-Airbus group in charge of software validation to explore static analysis and abstract testing. The project aims at the industrialization of methods and tools to support this new end-user methodology.

Key issues: The consortium has been built to solve major technical problems identified by the end-users by grouping world-wide recognized and renown academic european researchers from Denmark, France, Germany (& Israel) to handle mid-term problems and prototype solutions as well as two pioneering companies (AbsInt from Germany and PolySpace Technologies from France) to cope with short and medium-term R&D and industrialization.

Technical approach: The project aims at the industrialization of program static analysis and abstract testing of component-based concurrent real-time software by abstract interpretation.

Expected achievements/impact: The success of the project should open considerable market opportunities for the european industry since the methodology equally applies e.g. to avionic, medical and automotive software.

Co-ordinator contact details:


    Famantanantsoa RANDIMBIVOLOLONA
    Direction des Systèmes et Services
    BP M8621
    316 route de Bayonne
    31060 TOULOUSE cedex 03 (France)
    tel: +33 5 61 93 08 25
    fax: +33 5 61 93 03 54
    email: famanta.randim@airbus.aeromatra.com

  Scientific co-ordinator:

    Patrick COUSOT
    École normale supérieure
    Département d'informatique
    45 rue d'Ulm
    F-75230 Paris cedex 05 (France)
    tel: +33 1 44 32 20 64
    fax: +33 1 44 32 21 52
    email: Patrick.Cousot@ens.fr (cousot@acm.org)
    URL: http://www.di.ens.fr/~cousot

Access reserved to DAEDALUS participants and commission project officers
Retour à / back to: DAEDALUS, P. Cousot: Index, Institutions, Enseignement / Teaching, Recherche / Research, Services
Email: cousot@di.ens.fr, cousotp@acm.org
Dernière mise à jour / Last modified : Wednesday, 04-Jun-2003 12:45:36 CEST