DAEDALUS is the shared-cost research and technology development (RTD) project IST-1999-20527 of the european IST Programme of the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) on the « validation of software components embedded in future generation critical concurrent systems by exhaustive semantic-based static analysis and abstract testing methods based on abstract interpretation ». DAEDALUS lasted from October 1st, 2000 to September 30th, 2002.
European project
Contract number: IST-1999-20527
Project acronym: DAEDALUS
Project name: Validation of critical software by static analysis and abstract testing
Key Action, Action line: Key Action 1, 1.1.2.-4.2.1/4.3.1
List of participants (organisation name, country):
Commission funding: 2 003 495 Euro
Project main goal(s): Since present software validation techniques of concurrent, component-based, real-time software do not scale up, the consortium was built from the desire of the EADS-Airbus group in charge of software validation to explore static analysis and abstract testing. The project aims at the industrialization of methods and tools to support this new end-user methodology.
Key issues: The consortium has been built to solve major technical problems identified by the end-users by grouping world-wide recognized and renown academic european researchers from Denmark, France, Germany (& Israel) to handle mid-term problems and prototype solutions as well as two pioneering companies (AbsInt from Germany and PolySpace Technologies from France) to cope with short and medium-term R&D and industrialization.
Technical approach: The project aims at the industrialization of program static analysis and abstract testing of component-based concurrent real-time software by abstract interpretation.
Expected achievements/impact: The success of the project should open considerable market opportunities for the european industry since the methodology equally applies e.g. to avionic, medical and automotive software.
Co-ordinator contact details:
Direction des Systèmes et Services
BP M8621
316 route de Bayonne
31060 TOULOUSE cedex 03 (France)
tel: +33 5 61 93 08 25
fax: +33 5 61 93 03 54
email: famanta.randim@airbus.aeromatra.com
Scientific co-ordinator:
Patrick COUSOT
École normale supérieure
Département d'informatique
45 rue d'Ulm
F-75230 Paris cedex 05 (France)
tel: +33 1 44 32 20 64
fax: +33 1 44 32 21 52
email: Patrick.Cousot@ens.fr (cousot@acm.org)
URL: http://www.di.ens.fr/~cousot
, P. Cousot: Index, Institutions, Enseignement / Teaching, Recherche / Research, Services
Dernière mise à jour / Last modified : Wednesday, 04-Jun-2003 12:45:36 CEST