\bibitem{Cousot98-3} P.~Cousot. \newblock The Calculational Design of a Generic Abstract Interpreter. \newblock In M{.} Broy and R{.} Steinbr{\"u}ggen (eds.): \textit{Calculational System Design}. NATO ASI Series F. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1999. @incollection{Cousot98-5, author = {Cousot, P{.}}, title = {The Calculational Design of a Generic Abstract Interpreter}, booktitle = {Calculational System Design}, editor = {M{.} Broy and R{.} Steinbr{\"u}ggen}, publisher = {NATO ASI Series F. IOS Press, Amsterdam}, year = 1999, }
Tuesday, 05-Jan-2010 11:30:24 CET