chien-chung huang

Chien-Chung Huang

Départment d'informatique
École Normale Supérieure
45, rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris, France

Something of myself: I am CNRS researcher at ENS Ulm. I obtained my habilitation in France in 2019. Before coming here, I worked at Chalmers tekniska högskola in Sweden as assistant professor; before that, I was post-doc at Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik and at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Deutschland.

In a distant past, I was a Ph.D. student at Dartmouth College. Peter Winkler has been so kind to agree to be my Doktorvater.

Recent event: I organize a workshop at Fontainebleau with Claire Mathieu. This workshop is financed by our ANR project Algoridam, with the goal of getting together researchers in the Parisian area. The theme of this workshop is the algorithm design under new computational models.

I also organize a workshop at IHP in Paris, with Kristóf Bérczi and Nicole Megow. This workshop is dedicated to optimization related to matroids.

Contact: cchuang then at the server.

TALGO is the group that I work in.
Research: I work in the area of algorithms.

My papers are here.

My research collaborators are here.

Administration: I am the responsable person of our group TALGO, one of the research teams in our computer science department. I organize our seminars here.
Teaching: this coming semester I am teaching Optimisation combinatoire (M1).

Randomness in Complexity (M2) (with David Saulpic).


Fidaa Abed, Ph.D. 2015,
Sebastian Ott, Ph.D. 2016,
Pedro Matias, Master 2015,
Mathieu Mari, Ph.D. 2020,
François Sellier, Ph.D. (in progress),
Taha El Ghazi, Ph.D. (in progress).