''Wisdom is to have dreams big enough not to lose sight when we pursue them.''
(Oscar Wilde)
Ana Bušić
Researcher at Inria
(Unité de Recherche de
and ENS
(Département d'Informatique)
Research Group: DYOGENE
Contact Information
2 Rue Simone Iff
75012 Paris
Office: C323
Phone: +33 1 80 49 43 35
Research Interests
Power grid: integration of renewable resources and demand-response.
Applied probability and stochastic operation research:
- Dynamic matching models;
- Markov chains (model reduction and algorithms for large Markov chains, stochastic bounds), Markov reward and decision processes;
- Simulation (coupling techniques).
- Local dynamics on graphs:
mixing times; probabilistic cellular automata; interacting particle systems.
Recent talks
- Distributed demand control in power grids
and ODEs for Markov decision processes,
Second Conference on the Mathematics of Energy Markets
Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, 4-9 July 2017.
- Challenges of renewable power generation:
Virtual energy storage from
flexible loads, Workshop EDF Lab' :
gestion centralisée/décentralisée des systèmes éléctriques.
September 16, 2016.
- Approximate Optimality with Bounded Regret in
Dynamic Matching Models. Real-Time Decision Making
Simons Institute, Berkeley, Jun. 27 - Jul. 1, 2016.
- Ancillary Service to the Grid Using Intelligent
Deferrable Loads, PGMO DAYS 2015
- Virtual Energy Storage
through Distributed Control of Flexible Loads, CaFFEET 2015
Ongoing Projects
- ANR JCJC PARI -- Probabilistic Approach for Renewable Energy Integration:
Virtual Storage from Flexible Loads. Starting: Jan 2017.
- Inria Associate Team PARIS (with the University of Florida)
- PI of PGMO research project Decentralized control for renewable integration in smart-grids (2015-17)
- Participant of the PowerNet project (Stanford - Univ. Florida - Google) through Univ. of Florida (see also Inria Associate Team PARIS with Univ. of Florida).
Past Projects
Modèles et algorithmes des réseaux (M1), ENS
Structures et algorithmes aléatoires (L3), ENS
Fondements sur la modélisation des réseaux (M2), MPRI
Modèles et algorithmes des réseaux (M1), ENS
Fondements sur la modélisation des réseaux (M2), MPRI
Fondements sur la modélisation des réseaux (M2), MPRI
Réseaux de communication, première année (L3), ENS
Conception d'algorithmes et applications (LI325), UPMC
Simulation, M2 COSY, UVSQ
Réseaux de communication, première année (L3), ENS
Conception d'algorithmes et applications (LI325), UPMC
Simulation, M2 COSY, UVSQ
Conception d'algorithmes et applications (LI325), UPMC