David Pointcheval

Senior Researcher at CNRS, on leave at Cosmian


SPHF/PAKE and Functional Encryption

IACR-VIASM Summer School - Hanoi, Vietnam - August 2022
  1. Smooth Projective Hash Functions
  2. Password-Authenticated Key Exchange
  3. Functional Encryption

Smooth Projective Hash Functions and Password Authenticated Key Exchange

8th BIU Winter School - Tel Aviv, Israel - February 2018
  1. Hash Proof Systems
  2. Password-Authenticated Key Exchange
  3. SPHF-based PAKE

Provable Security for Public-Key Schemes

IACR-SEAMS Fall School - Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2016
  1. Introduction
  2. Encryption
  3. Signatures
  4. Extensions

Provable Security for Public-Key Schemes

Advanced Course on Comtemporary Cryptology - CRM, Barcelona, Spain - February 2004
Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Asymmetric Encryption and Signature
  3. Various Models and Methods
  4. Simple Examples
  5. Encryption
  6. Signatures

Provable Security

LBNL, Berkeley Lab, DOE, California - August 2003
  1. Introduction
  2. RSA-PKCS - Encryption-Signature
  3. Authenticated Key Exchange
