Learning Theory from First Principles
Francis Bach

This web page hosts supporting material for the book in preparation.
See draft available here.

Matlab code

Generic helper functions




Chapter 1: Mathematical preliminaries

Figure 1.1 (expectation of maximum of Gaussian random variables)

Chapter 2: Introduction to supervised learning
Figure 2.1 (polynomial regression with increasing orders - predictions)
Figure 2.2 (polynomial regression with increasing orders - errors)

Chapter 3: Linear least-squares regression
Figure 3.1 (polynomial regression with varying number of observations)
Figure 3.2 (convergence rate for polynomial regression)
Figure 3.3 (polynomial ridge regression)

Chapter 4: Empirical risk minimization
Figure 4.1 (convex surrogates)
Figure 4.2 (optimal score functions for Gaussian class-conditional densities)


Chapter 5: Optimization
Figure 5.1 (gradient descent on two least-squares problems)
Figure 5.2 (comparison of step-sizes for SGD for the support vector machine)
Figure 5.3 (comparison of step-sizes for SGD for logistic regression)


Chapter 6: Local averaging methods
Figure 6.2 (regressogram in one dimension)
Figure 6.3 (k-nearest neighbor in one dimension)
Figure 6.4 (Nadaraya-Watson in one dimension)
Figure 6.5 (learning curves for local averaging)
Figure 6.6 (locally linear partitioning estimate)


Chapter 7: Kernel methods
Figure 7.2 (minimum norm interpolator)
Figure 7.3 (comparison of kernels)


Chapter 8: Sparse methods
Figure 8.1 (regularization path)

Figure 8.2 (comparison of estimators) + script_model_selection.m + script_model_selectionROT.m

Chapter 9: Neural networks
Figure 9.1 (global convergence for different numbers of neurons) +

Figure 9.2 (random features - kernels)

Figure 9.3 (neural networks fitting)


Chapter 10: Ensemble learning
Figure 10.1 (bagged 1-nn estimation)
Figure 10.2 (Gaussian random projections)
Figure 10.3 (Boosting)

Chapter 11: Overparameterized models
Figure 11.1 (logistic regression on separable data)
Figures 11.2 and 11.3 (double descent curves, random non-linear features)
Figure 11.4 (double descent, random linear projections)

Chapter 12: Lower bounds

Chapter 13: Online learning and bandits
Figure 13.1 (zero-th order optimisation)
Figure 13.2 (UCB algorithm)

Chapter 14: Probabilistic methods
Figure 14.3 (MMSE vs. MAP)
Figure 14.4 (Discriminative vs. generative learning)

Chapter 15: Structured prediction
Figure 15.1 (robust regression)


Python code

To be completed


Copyright in this Work has been licensed exclusively to The MIT Press, http://mitpress.mit.edu, which will be releasing the final version to the public in 2023. All inquiries regarding rights should be addressed to The MIT Press, Rights and Permissions Department.