Index of values

( * ) [Q]
Multiplication mul.
( * ) [Z]
Multiplication mul.
( ** ) [Z]
Power pow.
(+) [Q]
Addition add.
(+) [Z]
Addition add.
(-) [Q]
Subtraction sub.
(-) [Z]
Subtraction sub.
(/) [Q]
Division div.
(/) [Z]
Truncated division div.
(//) [Q]
Creates a rational from two ints.
(///) [Q]
Creates a rational from two Z.t.
(/<) [Z]
Flooring division fdiv.
(/>) [Z]
Ceiling division cdiv.
(/|) [Z]
Exact division div_exact.
(asr) [Q]
Division by a power of two shift_right.
(asr) [Z]
Bit-wise shift to the right shift_right.
(land) [Z]
Bit-wise logical and logand.
(lor) [Z]
Bit-wise logical inclusive or logor.
(lsl) [Q]
Multiplication by a power of two mul_2exp.
(lsl) [Z]
Bit-wise shift to the left shift_left.
(lxor) [Z]
Bit-wise logical exclusive or logxor.
(mod) [Z]
Remainder rem.
(~!) [Z]
Bit-wise logical negation lognot.
(~$$) [Q]
Conversion from Z.t.
(~$) [Q]
Conversion from int.
(~$) [Z]
Conversion from int of_int.
(~+) [Q]
(~+) [Z]
(~-) [Q]
Negation neg.
(~-) [Z]
Negation neg.

abs [Q]
Absolute value.
abs [Z]
Absolute value.
abs_big_int [Big_int_Z]
add [Q]
add [Z]
add_big_int [Big_int_Z]
add_int_big_int [Big_int_Z]
and_big_int [Big_int_Z]

big_int_of_int [Big_int_Z]
big_int_of_int32 [Big_int_Z]
big_int_of_int64 [Big_int_Z]
big_int_of_nativeint [Big_int_Z]
big_int_of_string [Big_int_Z]
bprint [Q]
To be used as %a format printer in Printf.bprintf.
bprint [Z]
To be used as %a format printer in Printf.bprintf.

cdiv [Z]
Integer division with rounding towards +oo (ceiling).
classify [Q]
Determines the kind of a rational.
compare [Q]
compare x y compares x to y and returns 1 if x is strictly greater that y, -1 if it is strictly smaller, and 0 if they are equal.
compare [Z]
compare_big_int [Big_int_Z]

den [Q]
Get the denominator.
div [Q]
div [Z]
Integer division.
div_2exp [Q]
div_2exp x n divides x by 2 to the power of n.
div_big_int [Big_int_Z]
div_rem [Z]
Computes both the integer quotient and the remainder.
divexact [Z]
divexact a b divides a by b, only producing correct result when the division is exact, i.e., when b evenly divides a.

ediv [Z]
Euclidean division.
ediv_rem [Z]
Euclidean division and remainder.
eq_big_int [Big_int_Z]
equal [Q]
Equality testing.
equal [Z]
Equality test.
erem [Z]
Euclidean remainder.
extract [Z]
extract a off len returns a non-negative number corresponding to bits off to off+len-1 of b.
extract_big_int [Big_int_Z]

fdiv [Z]
Integer division with rounding towards -oo (floor).
fits_int [Z]
Whether the argument fits in a regular int.
fits_int32 [Z]
Whether the argument fits in an int32.
fits_int64 [Z]
Whether the argument fits in an int64.
fits_nativeint [Z]
Whether the argument fits in a nativeint.
float_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
format [Z]
Gives a string representation of the argument in the specified printf-like format.

gcd [Z]
Greatest common divisor.
gcd_big_int [Big_int_Z]
gcdext [Z]
gcd_ext u v returns (g,s,t) where g is the greatest common divisor and g=us+vt.
ge_big_int [Big_int_Z]
geq [Q]
Greater than or equal.
geq [Z]
Greater than or equal.
gt [Q]
Greater than (not equal).
gt [Z]
Greater than (and not equal).
gt_big_int [Big_int_Z]

hamdist [Z]
Counts the number of different bits.
hash [Z]
Hashes a number.

inf [Q]
int32_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
int64_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
int_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
inv [Q]
invert [Z]
invert base mod returns the inverse of base modulo mod.
is_int_big_int [Big_int_Z]
is_real [Q]
Whether the argument is non-infinity and non-undefined.

lcm [Z]
Least common multiple.
le_big_int [Big_int_Z]
leq [Q]
Less than or equal.
leq [Z]
Less than or equal.
logand [Z]
Bitwise logical and.
lognot [Z]
Bitwise logical negation.
logor [Z]
Bitwise logical or.
logxor [Z]
Bitwise logical exclusive or.
lt [Q]
Less than (not equal).
lt [Z]
Less than (and not equal).
lt_big_int [Big_int_Z]

make [Q]
make num den constructs a new rational equal to num/den.
max [Q]
Returns the largest of its arguments.
max [Z]
Returns the maximum of its arguments.
max_big_int [Big_int_Z]
min [Q]
Returns the smallest of its arguments.
min [Z]
Returns the minimum of its arguments.
min_big_int [Big_int_Z]
minus_big_int [Big_int_Z]
minus_inf [Q]
minus_one [Q]
0, 1, -1.
minus_one [Z]
The number -1.
mod_big_int [Big_int_Z]
mul [Q]
mul [Z]
mul_2exp [Q]
mul_2exp x n multiplies x by 2 to the power of n.
mult_big_int [Big_int_Z]
mult_int_big_int [Big_int_Z]

nativeint_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
neg [Q]
neg [Z]
Unary negation.
nextprime [Z]
Returns the next prime greater than the argument.
num [Q]
Get the numerator.
num_digits_big_int [Big_int_Z]

of_bigint [Q]
of_bits [Z]
Constructs a number from a binary string representation.
of_float [Q]
Conversion from a float.
of_float [Z]
Converts from a floating-point value.
of_int [Q]
of_int [Z]
Converts from a base integer.
of_int32 [Q]
of_int32 [Z]
Converts from a 32-bit integer.
of_int64 [Q]
of_int64 [Z]
Converts from a 64-bit integer.
of_ints [Q]
Conversion from an int numerator and an int denominator.
of_nativeint [Q]
Conversions from various integer types.
of_nativeint [Z]
Converts from a native integer.
of_string [Q]
Converts a string to a rational.
of_string [Z]
Converts a string to an integer.
of_string_base [Z]
Parses a number represented as a string in the specified base, with optional - or + prefix.
one [Q]
one [Z]
The number 1.
or_big_int [Big_int_Z]
output [Q]
Prints the argument on the specified channel.
output [Z]
Prints the argument on the specified channel.

perfect_power [Z]
True if the argument has the form a^b, with b>1
perfect_square [Z]
True if the argument has the form a^2.
popcount [Z]
Counts the number of bits set.
pow [Z]
pow base exp raises base to the exp power.
power [Big_int_Z]
power_big [Big_int_Z]
power_big_int_positive_big_int [Big_int_Z]
power_big_int_positive_int [Big_int_Z]
power_int_positive_big_int [Big_int_Z]
power_int_positive_int [Big_int_Z]
powm [Z]
powm base exp mod computes base^exp modulo mod.
pp_print [Q]
Prints the argument on the specified formatter.
pp_print [Z]
Prints the argument on the specified formatter.
pred [Z]
Returns its argument minus one.
pred_big_int [Big_int_Z]
print [Q]
Prints the argument on the standard output.
print [Z]
Prints the argument on the standard output.
probab_prime [Z]
probab_prime x r returns 0 if x is definitely composite, 1 if x is probably prime, and 2 if x is definitely prime.

quomod_big_int [Big_int_Z]

rem [Z]
Integer remainder.
root [Z]
root base n computes the n-th root of exp.

shift_left [Z]
Shifts to the left.
shift_left_big_int [Big_int_Z]
shift_right [Z]
Shifts to the right.
shift_right_big_int [Big_int_Z]
shift_right_towards_zero_big_int [Big_int_Z]
shift_right_trunc [Z]
Shifts to the right, rounding towards 0.
sign [Q]
Returns 1 if the argument is positive (including inf), -1 if it is negative (including -inf), and 0 if it is null or undefined.
sign [Z]
Returns -1, 0, or 1 when the argument is respectively negative, null, or positive.
sign_big_int [Big_int_Z]
signed_extract [Z]
signed_extract a off len extracts bits off to off+len-1 of b, as extract does, then sign-extends bit len-1 of the result (that is, bit off + len - 1 of a).
size [Z]
Returns the number of machine words used to represent the number.
sprint [Q]
To be used as %a format printer in Printf.sprintf.
sprint [Z]
To be used as %a format printer in Printf.sprintf.
sqrt [Z]
Returns the square root.
sqrt_big_int [Big_int_Z]
sqrt_rem [Z]
Returns the square root truncated, and the remainder.
square_big_int [Big_int_Z]
string_of_big_int [Big_int_Z]
sub [Q]
sub [Z]
sub_big_int [Big_int_Z]
succ [Z]
Returns its argument plus one.
succ_big_int [Big_int_Z]

to_bigint [Q]
to_bits [Z]
Returns a binary representation of the argument.
to_float [Z]
Converts to a floating-point value.
to_int [Q]
to_int [Z]
Converts to a base integer.
to_int32 [Q]
to_int32 [Z]
Converts to a 32-bit integer.
to_int64 [Q]
to_int64 [Z]
Converts to a 64-bit integer.
to_nativeint [Q]
Convert to integer by truncation.
to_nativeint [Z]
Converts to a native integer.
to_string [Q]
Converts to human-readable, decimal, /-separated rational.
to_string [Z]
Gives a human-readable, decimal string representation of the argument.

undef [Q]
unit_big_int [Big_int_Z]

version [Z]
Library version (this file refers to version "1.2.1").

xor_big_int [Big_int_Z]

zero [Q]
zero [Z]
The number 0.
zero_big_int [Big_int_Z]