Flaws in differential cryptanalysis of Skipjack

Louis Granboulan
Fast Software Encryption: 8th International Workshop, Yokohama, Japon, 2-4 avril 2001, éd. par Mitsuru Matsui. LNCS 2355, Springer-Verlag.

Abstract: This paper is motivated by some results presented by Knudsen, Robshaw and Wagner at Crypto'99, that described many attacks of reduced versions of Skipjack, some of them being erroneous.
Differential cryptanalysis is based on distinguishers, any attack should prove that the events that triggers the analysis has not the same probability for the cipher than for a random function. In particular, the composition of differential for successive parts of a cipher should be done very carefully to lead to an attack.

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Première version soumise en déc. 2000, révisée en mars 2001 pour les pre-proceedings, révisée en mai 2001 pour les proceedings finaux.
Les transparents et l'article des pre-proceedings, presentés à FSE'01.
Rapport 2001/038 disponible sur Cryptology ePrint Archive