Josselin Giet webpage


Hi, my name is Josselin GIET [ʒɔslɛ̃]. I’m a PhD student in the Antique Team at École normale supérieure & Inria Paris under the supervision of Xavier Rival.

I’m working on the verification of dynamic data-structures in operating systems with separation logic & abstract interpretation.

I am looking for open position in the industry. You can check my CV here (ou ici).


Adresse mél

(fun first last domain tld -> first^"."^last^"@"^domain^"."^tld)
  "josselin" "giet" "ens" "fr"


Adresse postale

DI - Ecole Normale Supérieure

45, rue d’Ulm

75230 Paris Cedex 05 - France

Bureau: 2nd floor, « escalier de la direction », see the maps