about this paper

Aurélie Kong, Jérôme Feret and Gregor Gössler.
A Semantics of Core Erlang with Handling of Signals.

In Proceedings of the Twenty second ACM Sigplan Erlang Workshop, ERLANG'23. Seattle, USA, B.K. Ozkan and K.F. Reyes (Eds). To appear in ACM Digital Library.
© ACM.

Abstract: We introduce a small step semantics for a subset of Core Erlang modeling its monitoring and signal systems. The goal of our semantics is to enable the construction of causal explanations for property violations, which will be the object of future work. As a first axis of reflection, we chose to study the impact of the order of messages on a faulty behavior. We present our semantics and discuss some of our design choices. This work is a part of a broader project on causal debugging of concurrent programs in Erlang.