********************************************************************* *                       Ecole Normale Supe'rieure                   * *                                                                   * *                              Se'minaire                           * *                SEMANTIQUE ET INTERPRETATION ABSTRAITE             * *                              P. Cousot                            * *                                                                   * *                        Vendredi, 14h00--16h00                     * *                           Salle S16, etage -1                     * *                  DI  ENS  45 rue d'Ulm  75005 Paris               * ********************************************************************* ***  Vendredi 14 Novembre 2008, 14h00-15h00 ************************* Categorical models of nominal computation, and their implementation Vincenzo Ciancia, University of Pisa Re'sume'/ Abstract: The importance of calculi with name generation and name passing has been widely recognised in computer science, starting from the definition of the pi-calculus in the late eighties. Applications are not only in the field of networking and mobile computing, but also in modelling security protocols (the spi-calculus), service-oriented languages that feature sessions, object-oriented languages and so on. Despite the great importance of the subject, it proved very difficult to reason about programs that feature name allocation: ordinary set theory gives rise to non-standard notions of equivalence (e.g. side conditions in the rules for bisimulation). This problem can be solved by employing categorical models based on presheaf categories, or on nominal sets, as it was shown by various works in the nineties. Moreover, it is difficult to implement algorithms that automatically manipulate the semantics of nominal calculi, such as partition refinement or model checking, because infinite-state systems are obtained in very simple cases, even when employing presheaf categories or nominal sets. For this reason, another categorical model, which is radically different from presheaf categories, was developed: the model of "named sets", whose transition systems are called "history dependent automata with symmetries" and basically allow to reuse old names that will never be used again. This is obtained by considering names as local, rebindable resources rather than absolute "constants" whose meaning is globally established, as it happens in the pi-calculus. In this talk we will see how the problem of name allocation is solved in a simple and elegant way from a theoretical point of view by transition systems (coalgebras) over presheaf categories, and how an equivalence of categories allows us to automatically translate such models into history dependent automata that are suitable for verification in many cases. Also, we will discuss an huge algorithmic benefit of history-dependent automata, due to the use of symmetries attached to states: the minimal system obtained by (the categorical notion of) partition refinement has the least possible number of names and the greatest possible symmetry. This gives us a procedure to automatically remove redundant names (in the cases where this problem is decidable) and to find the greatest symmetry group of the system up-to bisimulation. By representing this group using generators, a compact description of the system itself is obtained, which can be exponentially smaller than the original one. ********************************************************************* Pour recevoir l'annonce par courrier electronique: WWW: http://www.di.ens.fr/~cousot/annonceseminaire.shtml *********************************************************************