********************************************************************* * Ecole Normale Supe'rieure * * * * Se'minaire * * SEMANTIQUE ET INTERPRETATION ABSTRAITE * * P. Cousot * * * * Vendredi, 14h00--15h30 * * Salle S16, etage -1 * * DI ENS 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris * ********************************************************************* *** Mercredi 10 Janvier 2007, 14h00-15h30 ************************** *** UNSUAL DATE !!! *** salle INFO4 !!! Chin Wei Ngan (National University of Singapore) Automatic Verification via Separation Logic Abstract : Despite their popularity and importance, pointer-based programs remain a major challenge for program verification. In this talk, we propose an automated verification system that is concise, precise and expressive for ensuring the safety of pointer-based programs. Our approach uses user-definable shape predicates to allow programmers to describe a wide range of data structures with their associated size properties. To support automatic verification, we design a new entailment checking procedure that can handle well-founded inductive predicates using unfold/fold reasoning. To improve expressivity, we support a non-deterministic set of states for proof search, intersection types for methods and coercion rules for related shape predicates. We have proven the soundness and termination of our verification system, and have built a prototype system. *** Jeudi 11 janvier 2007, 10h30-12h00 ********************************* *** UNSUAL DATE & TIME !!! *** salle INFO 4 !!! Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft Research, Redmond) Program Verification using Probabilistic Techniques Abstract: Probabilistic algorithms have played a significant role in several areas of computer science. Such algorithms are usually more precise, efficient, and even simpler than their deterministic counterparts. In this talk, I will talk about two sampling based probabilistic techniques for discovering and proving program invariants. One of these techniques, called random interpretation, can be seen as combining the complementary strengths of abstract interpretation and random testing. The key idea of this technique is to compute and manipulate program invariants efficiently by representing them by a small random sample of the set of program states that they represent (as opposed to manipulating program invariants symbolically). The other technique can be seen as combining the complementary strengths of forward and backward program analysis. This technique finds correctness proofs of a pre/post condition pair by providing an invariant at each program point that can be locally verified. This is done by first initializing the (guesses for the) invariants at all program points to anything, and then iteratively selecting a random program point and updating its invariant randomly to make it more locally consistent with respect to the invariants at the neighboring points. ********************************************************************* Pour recevoir l'annonce par courrier electronique: WWW: http://www.di.ens.fr/~cousot/annonceseminaire.shtml *********************************************************************