********************************************************************* * Ecole Normale Supe'rieure * * * * Se'minaire * * SEMANTIQUE ET INTERPRETATION ABSTRAITE * * P. Cousot * * * * Vendredi, 14h00--15h30 * * Salle W, 4e`me e'tage, toits du DMI * * DMI ENS 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris * ********************************************************************* *** Vendredi 2 mai 1997 **** 14h00 ********************************** Relache (pont du 1er mai) *** Vendredi 9 mai 1997 **** 14h00 ********************************** Relache (pont du 8 mai) *** Vendredi 16 mai 1997 **** 14h00 ********************************* Compositional Verification of Statecharts Francesca LEVI (LIX et Universite de Pise) Re'sume' : Abstract: We present a compositional approach for the verification of temporal and real-time properties of statecharts. Statecharts is a synchronous language that is obtained by extending classical state-transition diagrams with notions of parallelism, broadcast communication and hierarchy. These features have been shown to permit very elegant and modular specifications. However, the synchrony hypothesis leads to some drawbacks in the definition of a formal semantics, because of well-known causal paradoxes. The first result is the definition of a compositional labelled transition system semantics for statecharts that provides the basis for compositional verification. Such a semantics is obtained by translating statecharts into a new process language called SP, that is characterized by an operator of process refinement for representing the statecharts hierarchy. We show how to instantiate the basic actions and the operations over actions of SP in order to have processes agreeing with the Pnueli and Shalev semantics of statecharts. We define a compositional proof system for checking whether an SP process satisfies a mu-calculus formula. This proof system exploits the technique of tagging fixpoints of Winskel for supporting local model checking. It is proved to be sound in general and complete for finite-state processes, i.e. for statecharts. Finally, we show how this compositional approach to verification can be adapted to a discrete timed version of statechart by considering an extension of mu-calculus with freeze quantification and clock constraints. The main idea is that of considering judgments relativized MOREto clock constraints and of adapting the tagged fixpoints method to this framework. *** Vendredi 23 mai 1997 **** 14h00 ********************************* Relache. *** Vendredi 30 mai 1997 **** 14h00 ********************************* Relache (jury du corps des ponts et chaussees) ********************************************************************* Pour recevoir l'annonce par courrier electronique: cousot@dmi.ens.fr WWW: http://www.ens.fr/~cousot/annonceseminaire.html *********************************************************************