********************************************************************* * Ecole Normale Supe'rieure * * * * Se'minaire * * SEMANTIQUE ET INTERPRETATION ABSTRAITE * * P. Cousot * * * * Vendredi, 14h--16h * * Salle W, 4e`me e'tage, toits du DMI * * DMI ENS 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris * ********************************************************************* *** Vendredi 1er decembre 1995 *** 14h00 **************************** Stackability in higher-order, call-by-value, functional and imperative programming languages Anindya BANERJEE (Kansas University & LIX) Re'sume' : We first consider the simply-typed, call-by-value $\lambda$- calculus and address the following issues: (1) What it means for such a language to be implementable with a single, global, stack-based environment and (2) how the existence of such an environment can be predicted statically. The central theme here is the use of the $\lambda$ -abstraction to control the {\em extent} or {\em lifetime} of bindings. We identify a subset of the simply-typed, call-by-value $\lambda$-calculus, where the $\lambda$-abstraction can serve as the block construct for a stack implementation. Next, we extend the simply-typed call-by-value $\lambda$-calculus minimally, to add state. We discuss how such a language can be implemented using a stack-based store and how the existence of such a stack-based store can be predicted statically. Several syntactic block-like constructs for allocation and deallocation of storage are experimented with. We finally propose an algorithm for inferring storage blocks in the language. *** Vendredi 1er decembre 1995 *** 15h00 **************************** Approximation infe'rieure des e'quations entre termes d'acce`s a` la me'moire d'un programme Pavel EMELIANOV (Institut des Syste`mes Informatiques, Novossibirsk & LIX) Re'sume' : On pre'sente une interpre'tation abstraite qui construit un invariant qui est une approximation infe'rieure des e'quations entre termes d'acce`s a` la me'moire d'un programme de type Pascal. On donne des exemples d'utilisation de l'information produite par l'analyse pour la de'termination des erreurs a` l'exe'cution et l'optimisation de programmes. *** Vendredi 8 decembre 1995 *** 14h00 ****************************** Programming Languages and Dimensions Andrew KENNEDY (Cambridge University & LIX) Reporte' au 5 janvier 1996 a 14h30. *** Vendredi 15 decembre 1995 ************************************** Relache (revue LOMAPS a Pise) *** Vendredi 22 decembre 1995 ************************************** Relache *** Vendredi 29 decembre 1995 ************************************** Relache *********************************************************************