Carl Christian Frederiksen, U Copenhagen, Denmark Neil D. Jones, U Copenhagen, Denmark Invited talk: Program analysis for implicit computational complexity Abstract: This talk describes methods and practical work that brings together two lines: automatic estimation of program running times, and implicit computational complexity. Related work has been done by Bellantoni and Cook, Benzinger, Hofmann, Jones, Crary and Weirich, Leivant, Marion, Niggl, Schwichtenberg, and others. In this work we identify a decidable class of algorithms such that all can be executed within polynomial time (or logarithmic space). This class includes many natural algorithms that are used in solving real problems. The class is properly generalizes "safe recursion" and some related schemes provided by other researchers. Runtime bound information is extracted by program data-flow analysis algorithms that extend the "size-change" framework of our POPL 2001 paper to account for running times as well as termination. The analysis allows automatic detection of programs that are guaranteed to run (or be runnable) in polynomial time.