Workshop on Critical Research Areas in Aerospace Software

Tuesday August 9th, 2005

MIT, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Workshop Objective:

The objective of the one-day workshop is to present recent advances and discuss necessary future research in critical aerospace software. The main emphasis will be on modeling, design, development, safety and security verification methods from both control-theoretic and computer science points of view. Contributions and participation are expected from members of academia, industry and governemental agencies.

Workshop Schedule:

The workshop will be held on Tuesday August 9th, 2005 with the following schedule:
9h00—9h10:  Welcome address, Wesley Harris (Head of MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
9h10—9h50:  Helen Gill (NSF), Systems and Software Research for Safety-Critical Aviation Systems
9h50—10h20:  Rick Selby (Northrop Grumman Corporation, Space Technology), Strategies, Techniques, and Architectures for Developing Large-Scale, Mission-Critical Embedded Software Systems
10h20—10h55:  Claire Tomlin (University of California at Berkeley), Embedded control for aircraft systems
10h55—11h10:  Coffee break
11h10—11h40:  Martin Gomez (Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation), UAV Implementation of Software Reuse
11h40—12h05:  Rajeev Alur (University of Pennsylvania), Model-based analysis and implementation of embedded software
12h05—12h35:  Brian Williams (MIT), Model-based programming of fault aware systems
12h35—13h05:  Rajagopalan Ramesh (Pratt & Whitney), Embedded Software Development Process at Pratt & Whitney and Critical Research Areas
13h05—14h05:  Lunch
14h05—14h30:  Nancy Lynch (MIT), The TIOA Language and Toolset for system design and analysis
14h30—15h00:  Éric Féron & Mardavij Roozbehani (MIT), Optimization-based Modeling and Analysis Techniques for Saftey-Critical Embedded System Vertification
15h00—15h25:  Christian Hote (PolySpace Technologies), Abstract interpretation applied to run-time errors detection: A successful market experiment
15h25—15h50:  Arnaud Venet (Kestrel Technology), Static analysis of large NASA flight software: experience, lessons and perspectives
15h50—16h00:  Tea break
16h00—16h30:  Patrick Cousot (MIT & ENS), Automatic Verification of Embedded Control Software with ASTRÉE
16h30—17h00:  Ernest Lucier (FAA), FAA Information Security R&D
17h00—18h00:  Panel on “Toward replacing Software Structural Coverage Testing with Analysis” (Vdot Santhanam (Boeing), initiator, Christian Hote (PolySpace technologies), Ramesh Rajagopalan (Pratt & Whitney), Rick Selby (Northrop Grumman), participants)

Workshop Location:

MIT Star Conference Room, CSAIL, 32-D463 (4th floor of the Dreyfoos Wing in the Stata Center, Building 32, Ray and Maria Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307)

Workshop Organizers:

Patrick Cousot (ENS, Paris, visiting MIT) <cousot[@]mit[.]edu>
John Deyst (MIT) <deyst[@]mit[.]edu>
Eric Feron (MIT) <feron[@]mit[.]edu>

Workshop Participants:

AFRL, Aurora, Boeing, Draper Laboratory, FAA, GDC4S, Georgia Tech., Harvard Business School, Kestrel Technologies, MIT, NASA, NCO, Northtrop-Grumman, NSA, NSF, ONR, PolySpace Technologies, Pratt & Whitney, UC Berkeley, UPenn, W. P. Corcoran & Associates

Workshop Participation:

Please inform us of your participation to the workshop before Thursday August 4th, 2005 by email to Lisa Gaumond <lisaga[@]mit[.]edu> (indicating whether you take the catered lunch).

Hotels nearby, in Cambridge on the MIT campus: Boston Marriott Cambridge, Kendall Hoteli, Royal Sonesta Hotel; in Boston across the Harvard bridge: Sheraton Boston Hotel, Hilton Boston Back Bay

There are no participation fees.

Workshop Website:

More details on the workshop will be made available on this web site