Reconnaissance d’objets et vision artificielle 2010/2011

Object recognition and computer vision 2010/2011


Assignment 2: Stitching photo mosaics

Jean Ponce, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid and Josef Sivic

(adapted from A. Efros, CMU, S. Lazebnik, UNC, and A. Zisserman, Oxford)


Due date: November 2nd 2010



The goal of the assignment is to automatically stitch images acquired by a panning camera into a mosaic as illustrated in figures 1 and 2 below.


Fig.1: Three images acquired by a panning camera.



Fig.2: Images stitched to a mosaic.



Algorithm outline:

1. Choose one image as the reference frame.

2. Estimate homography between each of the remaining images and the reference image. To estimate homography between two images use the following procedure:

a. Detect local features in each image.

b. Extract feature descriptor for each feature point.

c. Match feature descriptors between two images. 

d. Robustly estimate homography using RANSAC.

3.      Warp each image into the reference frame and composite warped images into a single mosaic.


Tips and detailed description of the algorithm:

The algorithm will be described on the example of stitching images shown in figure 1.

1. Choosing the reference image. Choosing the middle image of the sequence as the reference frame is the preferred option, as it will result in mosaics with less distortion. However, you can choose any image of the sequence as the reference frame. If you choose image 1 or 3 as the reference frame, directly estimating homography between images 1 and 3, will be difficult as they have very small overlap. To deal with this issue, you might have to “chain” homographies, e.g. H13 = H12 * H23.

2. Estimating homography.

a. Detect local features in each image. You can use your feature detector from assignment 1. Alternatively, you can use function harris.m by A. Efros implementing a simple single scale Harris corner detector. Note detection of local features with a sub-pixel accuracy is not required for this assignment.

b. Extract feature descriptor for each feature point.  Implement feature descriptor extraction outlined in Section 4 of the paper “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches” by Brown et al.  Don’t worry about rotation-invariance – just extract axis-aligned 8x8 patches. Note that it’s important to sample these patches from the larger 40x40 window to have a nice large blurred descriptor.  Note, if you use your multi-scale blob detector from assignmnet 1: As there is almost no scale change between the supplied images, you can compute descriptors on a single scale, ignoring the detected characteristic scale associated with each feature. For example, you can just extract a 40x40 pixel patch around each detected feature and properly down-sample it to 8x8 pixels to form a 64-dimensional descriptor. For down-sampling, smooth the image with a Gaussian to remove high spatial frequencies, or use Matlab function “imresize”). You can also use the more efficient Gaussian pyramid implementation described in the Brown et al. paper. Don’t forget to bias/gain-normalize the descriptor. Ignore the Haar wavelet transform section in the Brown et al. paper.

c. Match feature descriptors between two images.  Implement Feature Matching (Section 5 in “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches” by Brown et al.). That is, you will need to find pairs of features that look similar and are thus likely to be in correspondence. We will call this set of matched features “tentative” correspondences. You may find function dist2.m useful for distance computations. For thresholding, use the simpler approach due to Lowe of thresholding on the ratio between the first and the second nearest neighbors. Consult Figure 6b in the paper for picking the threshold.  Ignore Section 6 on fast Wavelet indexing. You can visualize the tentative correspondences between two images by displaying the feature displacements. For example, to visualize tentative correspondences between image 1 and 2: (i) show image 1, (ii) show detected features in image 1 (display only region centers as points, do not worry about the regions’ scale), (iii) show displacements between detected features in image 1 and matched features in image 2 by line segments. This is illustrated in figure 3 and can be achieved using the following matlab code, where im1_pts and im2_pts are 2-by-n matrices holding (x,y) image locations of tentatively corresponding features in image 1 and image 2, respectively:

figure; clf; imagesc(im1rgb); hold on;

% show features detected in image 1


% show displacements

line([im1_pts(1,:); im2_pts(1,:)],[im1_pts(2,:); im2_pts(2,:)],'color','y')

d. Robustly estimate homography using RANSAC. Use a sample of 4-points to compute each homography hypothesis. You will need to write a function of the form:


H = computeH(im1_pts,im2_pts)


where, again, im1_pts and im2_pts are 2-by-n matrices holding the (x,y) locations of n(=4) point correspondences from the two images and H is the recovered 3x3 homography matrix.  In order to compute the entries in the matrix H, you will need to set up a linear system of n equations (i.e. a matrix equation of the form Ah=0 where h is a vector holding the 8 unknown entries of H).  The solution to the homogeneous least squares system Ax=0 is obtained from the SVD of A by the singular vector corresponding to the smallest singular value. In Matlab: [U,S,V]=svd(A); x = V(:,end);  For more details on homography estimation from point correspondences see a note written by David Kriegman.  

For RANSAC, a very simple implementation performing a fixed number of sampling iterations is sufficient. You should output a single transformation that gets the most inliers in the course of all the iterations. For the various RANSAC parameters (number of iterations, inlier threshold), play around with a few ``reasonable'' values and pick the ones that work best. For randomly sampling matches, you can use the Matlab randperm function. You should display the set of inliers as illustrated in figure 3.  Finally, after you find the set of inliers using RANSAC, don’t forget to re-estimate the homography from all inliers.

3. Warping and compositing. Warp each image into the reference frame using the estimated homography and composite warped images into a single mosaic.  You can use the vgg_warp_H function for warping. Here is an example code to warp and composite images 1 and 2 :

First, define a mosaic image to warp all the images onto. Here we assume image 2 as the reference image, and map this image to the origin of the mosaic image using the identity homography (eye(3) in Matlab).

bbox = [-400 1200 -200 700] % image space for mosaic

Im2w = vgg_warp_H(Im2, eye(3), ’linear’, bbox); % warp image 1 to mosaic image

Now warp image 1 to a separate mosaic image using estimated homography H12 between image 1 and image 2

Im1w = vgg_warp_H(Im1, H12, ’linear’, bbox);

and finally combine the mosaic images by taking the pixel with maximum value from each image. This tends to produce less artifacts than taking the average of warped images.





Fig. 3: Visualization of tentative correspondences (left) and homography inliers (right). Detected points are shown in green. Feature displacements are shown by yellow lines.



Test images

Here are the three images from figure 1. Also run your code on a new set of at least two homography related images, which you capture yourself using a digital camera or download from the Internet.  To capture the images, shoot from the same point of view but with different view directions, and with overlapping fields of view. Make sure the images have enough overlap (e.g. at least 40%). Another way to do this is to shoot pictures of a planar surface (e.g. a wall) from different points of view.


What to hand in

You should prepare a (very brief) report including the following:


·    Briefly show that two images captured by two cameras with the same camera centre are related by a homography of the form H = K1-1 R K2-1, where K1, K2 are the cameras' internal calibration matrices and R is a rotation matrix describing their relative orientation. Hint: Start with the camera projection equation x = 1/z Ki [Ri ti] X, one for each camera (i=1, 2), and assume their camera centers co-incide, t1 = t2( = 0). Here, Ki is the camera's internal calibration matrix; Ri and ti are the external calibration parameters; X (4-vector) is a scene point and x (3-vector) its projection, both in homogenous coordinates (see lecture slides on camera geometry for more details).

·      Based on the above derivation, does the derived homography depend on the scene? (i.e. position of points in the scene X)?


·      Show the final mosaic of the provided test images (similar to figure 2).

·      Show the visualization of the set of tentative matches and the set of inliers for one image pair (similar to figure 3).

·      Give the parameter values you have used (e.g. the threshold for descriptor matching, number of iterations and the inlier threshold for RANSAC).

·      Show the input images and the final mosaic for your new image set (see the Test images section above).


Instructions for formatting and handing-in assignments:

· At the top of the first page of your report include (i) your name, (ii) date, (iii) the assignment number and (iv) the assignment title.

· The report should be a single pdf file and should be named using the following format: A#_lastname_firstname.pdf, where   you replace # with the assignment number and “firstname” and “lastname” with your name, e.g. A2_Sivic_Josef.pdf.

· Zip your code and any additional files (e.g. additional images) into a single zip file using the same naming convention as above, e.g. We do not intend to run your code, but we may look at it and try to run it if your results look wrong.


Send your report (a single pdf file) and code with your two additional test images (in a single zip file) to Josef Sivic <>.



Helpful resources

· Nice Slides by Alyosha Efros on mosaicing.

· A note on computing homography by David Kriegman.

· Another note on computing Homography.

· Tutorial on image alignment and stitching (draft) by Richard Szeliski.

· A condensed version of the tutorial can be found in chapter 9 - “Image stitching” from the book draft by Richard Szeliski

· M. Brown, R. Szeliski and S. Winder. Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented PatchesInternational Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2005), pages 510-517 

· A comprehensive treatment of homography estimation can be found in chapter 4 of Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by R. Hartley and A. Zisserman, Cambridge University Press, 2004.